LMS Project
Country USA 
Latitude / Longitude 64 N 12 / 145 W 30
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Last updated on 11/20/2010 - Terms of Use
Risk and valuation analysis of the LMS Project
Status Risk : Early Discovery
Country Risk : Very Low
Title(s) of the LMS Project
First Star Resources Inc.
Option on interest: 100%
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Corvus Gold Inc.
Interest: 100%
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International Tower Hill (ITH) earned a 100% interest in the project from AngloGold Ashanti (USA) Exploration Inc. in late 2009 and subsequently optioned the property to First Star Resources Inc. in early 2010. Under the option agreement, First Star more...
Location of the LMS Project
The project area is located in the Goodpaster Mining District approximately 25 km north of Delta Junction, Alaska. The project accessed either by winter road or river boat providing for year round, non-helicopter support access. Several trails have been constructed for the various phases of drilling providing surface access across the property.
History of the LMS Project
The Goodpaster District specifically, and the Yukon-Tanana terrane, in general, has long been considered a prospective region. In the last few years, the discovery and development of the Pogo deposit 40 km to the northeast has led to increased interest in this region.
Geology of the LMS Project
The LMS project is located in the Yukon-Tanana Terrane, a large accretionary complex of igneous, and sedimentary rocks that have been metamorphosed to greenschist and amphibolite facies. The terrane is bounded on the north by the Tintina Fault system more...
Data last updated on : 6/15/2010
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