Articles related to Crisis
Antal E. Fekete - Gold University
Is Aggregate Debt Excessive
Monday, March 1, 2021
Charleston Voice
Banker Gold Price Suppression Currency Manipulations Have Persisted for 50 years
This 1967 meeting of the FOMC nearly 46 years ago is clear and indisputable evidence of gold price suppression and currency manipulation of the world's "free" and "open" market exchanges.  This criminal cabal has certainly built up their mechanisms since this time to conceal their sinister scheme from issuing dishonest money. It's blatant now and all of "in your face" is their behavioral response to inquiry. Damn the torpedoes, full steam ahead. If you find this too cumbersome to read, the Fed
Saturday, February 27, 2021
Jeff Clark - Goldsilver
Gold vs. Silver: The 5 Differences That Matter Most to Investors
You’d like to buy some precious metals, but do you buy silver or gold? Is there really much difference between them other than the price?Both are “precious” metals, meaning their occurrence in the earth’s crust is rare. But when it comes to investing in gold vs. silver, there are 5 important distinctions to be aware of. These differences can supercharge your portfolio—or make it a victim.This article outlines the five differences to know about gold vs. silver, with special emphasis on investment
Saturday, February 20, 2021
Sprott Money
Death Valley Snowballs and Fiat Currencies - Gary Christenson
Keep it simple! Snowballs have a short life expectancy in Death Valley. Fiat currencies, backed by credit and debt, survive longer than snowballs in Death Valley, but history shows all fiat currencies are inflated into worthlessness and eventually die. “U.S. dollars have value only to the extent that they are strictly limited in supply.” Ben Bernanke on November 21, 2002. But we know the supply of dollars has grown rapidly since 1971, and especially after the 2008 crisis while Berna
Thursday, February 18, 2021
George F. Smith - Barbarous Relic
Gary North on central banking, gold, federal debt, and Keynesianism 
I have never met Gary North and probably never will.Yet, through his writings he has had a far-reaching influence on my thinking, especially with regard to government and economics.He runs a membership website, $14.95 a month you get access to everything on the site, including four daily articles that he writes six days a week and posts while most people are still asleep.Members can ask questions in the forums to which he and other members will post replies. North wrote what
Wednesday, February 17, 2021
Antal E. Fekete - Gold University
Revisionist Theory of Depressions Can It Happen Again
Monday, February 15, 2021
Frank Shostak
Why We Now Measure Gold in Dollars — and Not the Other Way Around
Prior to 1933, the name "dollar" was used to refer to a unit of gold that had a weight of 23.22 grains. Since there are 480 grains in one ounce, this means that the name dollar also stood for 0.048 ounce of gold. This in turn, means that one ounce of gold referred to $20.67.Observe that $20.67 is not the price of one ounce of gold in terms of dollars as popular thinking has it, for there is no such entity as a dollar. Dollar is just a name for 0.048 ounce of gold. On this Rothbard wrote,No one p
Wednesday, February 10, 2021
Michael J. Kosares - USA Gold
Though not a new word to describe Fed policy intentions, using it in today’s statement in the context of obviously rising inflation and inflationary expectations is a new policy stance and one very favorable for gold and likely the Trump administration as well. It seems that the Fed is willing to chase the inflation rate rather than trump it (forgive the reference), and as long as that’s the case, the markets will read inflation into the economic script for the future. I think some were expectin
Tuesday, February 2, 2021
Jeff Clark - Goldsilver
What Happens to Gold and Silver When the Stock Market Crashes
Many investors hold gold and silver to hedge against various crises. But does this hedge hold up during stock market crashes?It’s a common assumption that gold and silver prices will fall right along with the market. And if that’s the case, wouldn’t it be better to wait to buy them until after the dust settles?Before formulating a strategy, let’s first look at price data from past stock market crashes…The Message from HistoryI looked at past stock market crashes and meas
Monday, January 25, 2021
Alasdair Macleod - Finance and Eco.
The origin of cycles
It was Karl Marx who was among the first believers that cyclical behaviour was endemic to free markets.He lived through a time when there was a regular cycle of boom and bust, with phases of economic expansion followed by contraction. Workers were employed and then unemployed, and the only way this could be stopped, in Marxian economics, was for the workers to acquire the means of production, or more correctly, the state to do so on their behalf.Other economists, such as Jevons and Wicksell, rec
Sunday, January 24, 2021
Jeff Clark - Casey Research
  Storing and Hiding Your Gold at Home
Where, exactly, should you store your gold at home?You instinctively know that gold is valuable and understand it must be stored safely. You probably also realize that gold coins and bars come with no replacement policy: if you lose them, they’re gone for good. No claim check to redeem.This makes your home storage plan critical.This guide provides hiding tips, the pros and cons of alarms and safes, backyard burial advice, the home storage golden rule, and why insuring your metal is probably not
Monday, January 18, 2021
Antal E. Fekete - Gold University
Has Barrick Been Barricked By The U.S.
Wednesday, January 13, 2021
Mac Slavo - ShtfPlan
  This is How You Can Dodge Facial Recognition Software 
This guide was originally published by Jeremiah Johnson at Helen of Troy, according to the Odyssey, was “the face that launched a thousand ships,” prior to the Greek invasion of Troy.  You and I, on the other hand, are the faces that launch an army of CCTV cameras ready to capture our images when we walk past them.  We just covered winter camouflage tips and techniques.  Camouflage is an important part of your prepping, in terms of being able to effectively hide yourself and
Tuesday, January 12, 2021
George F. Smith - Barbarous Relic
  Fielding my grandson’s questions about gold and banking
My grandson had quite a day at school.He had learned that the economy had been suffering from things called Panics, capital P, during the 19th century and had another big one in the early 20th century.He had been told that responsible, public-spirited men like J. P. Morgan had organized a central bank to prevent those Panics.He and other bankers finally got the government to go along with their idea and pass it into law in late 1913.And wouldn’t you know it — we’ve had no more Panics since then.
Thursday, December 24, 2020
Mac Slavo - ShtfPlan
Selco: Who Survives and Who Dies When the SHTF
This article was originally published by Daisy Luther at The Organic Prepper Did you ever wonder about the differences in how people behave in a crisis? Why some people survive and some people die? Are there characteristics that we can nurture now in good times that could help see us through bad times? I’d talked with Selco previously about who lives and who doesn’t in a long-term emergency, and a great determiner is a flexible mindset. In this interview, we go deeper into who can withstand the
Thursday, December 24, 2020
Jeff Clark - GoldSilver
How and Where to Buy Silver Coins
Looking to buy silver coins? You’ve come to the right place!This handy guide outlines everything you need to know, including the advantages of owning silver coins, the different coins available, the best coins to buy for investment, and where to buy them. We also include our “Investor’s Edge” with each section…Advantages of Silver CoinsMany investors don’t realize that silver coins offer benefits far beyond price appreciation.Consider the advantages you gain by buying silver coins. Similar to go
Thursday, December 24, 2020
Mac Slavo - ShtfPlan
  Predicting The Next Crisis, Programming Behavior: “The Ability To Track Entire Population”
This article was written by Brandon Smith and originally published at His site is Editor’s Comment: Unless you have gone well out of your way to stay off the grid completely, and out of the regular dealings of society, then you are being tracked, constantly surveilled and monitored – not for misbehavior and criminal activity so much as for behavior, typical activity, mass population movements, and flash points for crisis. Good predictions require a complete s
Tuesday, December 22, 2020
Alasdair Macleod - FinanceandEconomics
  Why gold is better than cash 
The question most often asked of gold bulls is, “At what price will you take your profits?” It is a question that betrays a lack of understanding about why anyone should own gold. Nevertheless, the simple answer must be, “When paper money stops losing its value”. This response should alert anyone who asks this question to the idea that owning fiat cash is the speculative position, not ownership of precious metals.
Saturday, November 28, 2020
Mike Maloney - Goldsilver
  First Hand Account - How Gold Jewelry Can Save Your Life 
In 1981, a 10-year-old Vietnamese girl, her parents and nine brothers and sisters began preparing for a perilous journey, a journey they knew they might not survive. Since the fall of Saigon and the end of the Vietnam War in April 1975, life had been hard for the little girl’s family. The Communist government of North Vietnam inherited a country deeply divided, devastated by war, and on the verge of economic collapse. In an attempt to unify the country, the government instituted a centrally p
Wednesday, November 25, 2020
Robert Blumen - 24hgold
  Is Gold Money 
Is Gold Money ? Many would say so, but is it so ? The answer the question of whether Gold is money requires a definition
Tuesday, November 24, 2020

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