Profile and commentaries of Frankinca
Member since May 2013
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4 commentaries, with 2 Replies
1 reply to his comments (25%)
Average Note : 100 / 100 for 2 rated commentaries  3  0 
Last commentary posted on Thursday, February 26, 2015
 Profile Commentaries Followed By Following 
 Keith Weiner - Monetary Metals
A Salvo in the Battle for the Gold Standard  (5)
Sort of written for a PHD in economics, which gold believers (myself) are not often that well educated, have difficulty following. The definition of money and currency to me is the crux of the logic of the discussion. My belief is that the dollar is a currency which the US government wants us to believe is money, having an intrinsic value place on it by the US Federal Reserve who dictates it's value by the inter...
2/26/2015 at 7:18 PM  1  0  Rating :  1 Permalink
 John Rubino - Dollar Collapse
Gold In A Negative Interest Rate World  (3)
All is logical and makes since, until one considers central banks and their attitude towards gold. To me it is obvious that the US Fed and their allies have made sure that gold is not going to appreciate against the dollar and if they had their way it would be abolished to make the dollar king, forever. Can we fight the Fed and central banks who have all the trumps at this moment until? what happens! Until someo...
2/13/2015 at 2:53 PMPermalink
 John Rubino - Dollar Collapse
Golden Bullseye  (18)
I don't believe HSBC is a central bank. Obviously Poland was trying to rid themselves of a large storage problem that gold of equal value could easily solve. I meant to say any central bank of a major economy is using silver as a storage or backup to its currency. The US mint is trying to get silver to mint coins and bars for US citizens. It sounds as if the US would coin any silver laying around in its treasury...
5/21/2013 at 4:30 AM1 AnswerPermalink
 John Rubino - Dollar Collapse
Golden Bullseye  (18)
Thanks for simplifying the market for gold futures and the short term and long term driving forces. As a silver mine investor I see the same short term driver for silver contracts (almost the same as gold), but long term differently for silver. No central bank is going to load up on silver bars, so the long term driver is manufacturing, medical, battery, low priced jewelry and poor man's inflation hedge. Like si...
5/17/2013 at 5:10 PM  2  0  Rating :  2 1 AnswerPermalink