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Commodity : SILVER   Country : bolivia   Company status : producer   Request : Sort Projects and Mines , By size of SILVER resources
Maps Result
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Project nameCompanyTitleInterestStatusStatus LevelCountryRisk LevelProvinceTrendTotal
SAN CRISTOBALSUMITOMO METALOwner100Production          Bolivia     PotosiPotosi445,858,416 oz
SAN BARTOLOMECOEUR MININGLeaser100Production          Bolivia     Potosi201,453,918 oz
SAN VICENTEPAN AMERICAN SILVERJoint venture95Production          Bolivia     Potosí42,042,213 oz
DON MARIO (CERRO PELADO)ORVANA MIN.Owner100Production          Bolivia     394,196 oz
DON MARIO (CERRO PELADO)ROYAL GOLDNet Smelter Return3Production          Bolivia     394,196 oz
La Solucion MineOwner100Production          Bolivia     201,913 oz
Note : Reserve and resources numbers are given pro-rata of interest in the various projects held
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