Profile and commentaries of bacq2bacq
Member since February 2011
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3 commentaries, with 2 Replies
1 reply to his comments (33%)
Average Note : 85 / 100 for 3 rated commentaries  11  2 
Last commentary posted on Thursday, June 14, 2012
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 Peter Schiff - Euro Pacific Capital
What is Money  (10)
M, something quite close to perfection can in fact be achieved. We have never even been close. The key imperfection in our "free" markets is that they aren't and never have been free. Not even close.

M, you might be unfamiliar with the more recent sciences of complexity and chaos theory, and what they have to say about reality, money, economics, etc. M, it is simply true that man will never "invent"...
6/14/2012 at 7:33 PM  7  2  Rating :  5 2 AnswersPermalink
 Peter Schiff - Euro Pacific Capital
What is Money  (10)
I feel compelled to point out one more thing. Not only is money not the product of government, rather the product of civil society as you conclude, Peter, I am quite certain that sound money (ie species-backed currency that is a true and stable measure of value) is essential for civil society to develop and to persist.

The decline of civility and society always follows the corruption of the money-syste...
6/13/2012 at 5:55 PM  2  0  Rating :  2 Permalink
 Peter Schiff - Euro Pacific Capital
What is Money  (10)
How interesting to see this article arrive in my email box, as I had just published some thoughts on exactly the same topic at Gold is money.

Peter, while you point out correctly barter's problem of simultaneous need, there is something just as important, maybe even moreso in today's complex economies, namely the triangular rate of growth of the number of exchange rate...
6/13/2012 at 5:44 PM  2  0  Rating :  2 Permalink