La Motte Project
La Motte
Country Canada 
Province Quebec
Close to Amos
Number of claims 10
Latitude / Longitude 48 N 20 / 78 W 7
Print Valuation Travel To Property All neighbouring Properties Mines and deposits nearby All active properties nearby
Explores for Cobalt - Copper - Lithium - Nickel - Palladium - Platinum - Rhodium -
Last updated on 10/5/2010 - Terms of Use
Risk and valuation analysis of the La Motte Project
Status Risk : Green exploration
Country Risk : Very Low
Title(s) of the La Motte Project
Globex Mining Enterprises Inc.
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Location of the La Motte Project
The La Motte Nickel-PGE Project consists of 10 claims covering lots 17 to 26, range 4 in La Motte Township, Quebec.
History of the La Motte Project
The La Motte property has seen sporatic mineral exploration since 1957 when a surface nickel showing was discovered 411 m north and 38 m west of the southeastern corner of lot 20, range IV, shortly after the discovery of the Marbridge Nickel Deposit, some 3 km along strike to the northwest.
Data last updated on : 1/9/2008
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