Lerala Project
Country Botswana 
Latitude / Longitude 22 S 47 / 27 E 45
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Last updated on 5/30/2010 - Terms of Use
Risk and valuation analysis of the Lerala Project
Status Risk : Production
Country Risk : Moderate
Title(s) of the Lerala Project
Diamonex Ltd
Owner: 100%
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DiamonEx acquired Lerala, which is located in southeastern Botswana, in a tender process in 2002. The property is a kimberlite deposit that was first discovered by De Beers, which defined a 3-million carat resource in the early 1990s but later abando more...
History of the Lerala Project
DiamonEx acquired Lerala, which is located in southeastern Botswana, in a tender process in 2002. The property is a kimberlite deposit that was first discovered by De Beers, which defined a 3-million carat resource in the early 1990s but later abando more...
Data last updated on : 12/31/2007
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