Bird River - Zn & Cu Zone Project
Bird River - Zn & Cu Zone
Country Canada 
Province Manitoba
Close to Lac du bonnet
Latitude / Longitude 50 N 15 / 95 W 24
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Explores for Copper - Gold - Nickel - Palladium - Platinum - Silver - Zinc -
Last updated on 2/17/2010 - Terms of Use
Risk and valuation analysis of the Bird River - Zn & Cu Zone Project
Status Risk : Advanced discovery
Country Risk : Very Low
Title(s) of the Bird River - Zn & Cu Zone Project
Marathon PGM Corporation
Owner: 53%
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Gossan Resources Ltd
Owner: 47%
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Location of the Bird River - Zn & Cu Zone Project
The Bird River Property is located about 40 km east of Lac Du Bonnet, Manitoba, and 125 km northeast of Winnipeg.
History of the Bird River - Zn & Cu Zone Project
The Bird River Sill is host to a number of past producing mines. Most importantly, the past producing Maskwa Mine is currently undergoing a feasibility study, as Mustang Minerals is evaluating the production potential of this past producer.
Geology of the Bird River - Zn & Cu Zone Project
The Bird River Sill is layered intrusion that has a strike length of over 50 km. The Sill is bounded by an overlying metasedimentary unit with a basal cycle of mafic volcanics. PGM and base metal mineralization has typically been found within the Sil more...
Data last updated on : 12/31/2009
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