Buckaroo Project
Country Australia 
Province New south wales
Close to Nyngan
Latitude / Longitude 31 S 9 / 146 E 42
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Explores for Copper - Gold -
Last updated on 12/22/2010 - Terms of Use
Risk and valuation analysis of the Buckaroo Project
Status Risk : Green exploration
Country Risk : Very Low
Title(s) of the Buckaroo Project
Nimrodel Resources Ltd.
Owner: 100%
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Location of the Buckaroo Project
The Buckaroo Project is situated about 65 km northwest of the town of Nyngan and 80 km east of Cobar in central New South Wales. The Project is located in a zone that has yielded economic resource discoveries for other listed entities and is located close to existing infrastructure in a district noted for its mining activity.
History of the Buckaroo Project
The Buckaroo Project has a limited exploration history providing the opportunity for a greenfields discovery.
Geology of the Buckaroo Project
The Buckaroo Project incorporates EL 6624 which extends over more than 20 km of strike length in the highly prospective Girilambone Group Sediments which host the high grade Girilambone and Tritton copper deposits and covers an area of approximately  more...
Data last updated on : 5/22/2008
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