Montgomery Project
Country USA 
Province Idaho
Surface 20 km² / 4,999 acres
Latitude / Longitude 43 N 41 / 114 W 15
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Last updated on 3/17/2010 - Terms of Use
Risk and valuation analysis of the Montgomery Project
Status Risk : Past Producer
Country Risk : Very Low
Title(s) of the Montgomery Project
Shoshone Silver/Gold Mining Company
Owner: 100%
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Location of the Montgomery Project
The Montgomery Mine Claims are located approximately 20 miles north of Bonners Ferry, in Boundary County Idaho.
History of the Montgomery Project
This area has seen mining activity since the early 1900’s as the first prospector’s staked claims in the region. The claims were deeded to Montgomery Mining Company in 1935. Early in the spring of 1970, American Exploration and Mining Company leased  more...
Geology of the Montgomery Project
The northeast portion of Boundary County is dominated by the presence of Belt Series of sediments, specifically the Aldridge-Prichard formation, which is the oldest formation of the Belt Series. The formation is made up of dominantly quartzites and a more...
Data last updated on : 12/3/2009
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