Sarkiniemi Project
Country Finland 
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Explores for Cobalt - Copper - Nickel -
Last updated on 3/30/2010 - Terms of Use
Risk and valuation analysis of the Sarkiniemi Project
Status Risk : Advanced discovery
Country Risk : Very Low
Title(s) of the Sarkiniemi Project
Belvedere Resources Ltd.
: 100%
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Location of the Sarkiniemi Project
Sarkiniemi Nickel Mine is located in Eastern Finland. The Sarkiniemi mine is located 340 km from Belvedere's Hitura Nickel Mine.
History of the Sarkiniemi Project
Mining to date at Sarkiniemi has concentrated on the Western orebody, where mining commenced from a small open pit in May 2007. Underground development commenced in December and the West ore body is forecast to be mined out in November 2008.
Geology of the Sarkiniemi Project
The Nickel ore is hosted in the base of a small shallow dipping intrusion which is inferred to be tectonically removed from a much larger intrusion to the south. The ore is faulted off on the southern margin.
Data last updated on : 12/12/2008
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