Dabala Project
Country Niger 
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Explores for Uranium -
Last updated on 12/17/2010 - Terms of Use
Risk and valuation analysis of the Dabala Project
Status Risk : Green exploration
Country Risk : Very High
Title(s) of the Dabala Project
NWT Uranium Corporation
Interest: 30.5%
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Location of the Dabala Project
Dabala property is located within the Tim Mersoi Basin, Niger.
History of the Dabala Project
Kamas 1 to 4 and Dabala 3 and 4 are adjacent and situated north of SOMAIR's successful uranium-producing Arlit mine.
Geology of the Dabala Project
Dabala property is located within the Tim Mersoi Basin, a major world uranium province in which the deposits, hosted by sandstones, occur as tabular-stratabound, roll-front and tectonic-lithologic deposits. The Arlit flexure/fault and related structu more...
Data last updated on : 12/17/2009
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