Bibiani Gold Project
Bibiani Gold
Country Ghana 
Province Kumasi
Close to Ashanti
Latitude / Longitude 6 N 27 / 2 W 17
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Last updated on 11/18/2010 - Terms of Use
Risk and valuation analysis of the Bibiani Gold Project
Status Risk : Advanced discovery
Country Risk : Light
Title(s) of the Bibiani Gold Project
Noble Mineral Resources Ltd
Owner: 100%
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Location of the Bibiani Gold Project
The Bibiani mineral concessions lie approximately 80 kilometres south west of the Ashanti capital, Kumasi.
History of the Bibiani Gold Project
Commercial gold production commenced at Bibiani in the early 1900s and was suspended in 1915. In 1927 mining activities recommenced as the mine was developed and operated by foreign investors until it was nationalized in 1958. Post nationalisation, the mine was operated by SGMC (State Gold Mining Corporation) until it was closed in 1973 following the depletion of economic reserves.
Geology of the Bibiani Gold Project
The Bibiani ore body is a mesothermal lode type gold deposit similar in many ways to the lode deposits of the Konongo-Axim belt that hosts the Obuasi gold mine. The structurally controlled ore body is a steep north to north-east trending shear corrid more...
Data last updated on : 3/24/2010
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