Ykanskoye Project
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Last updated on 6/21/2010 - Terms of Use
Risk and valuation analysis of the Ykanskoye Project
Status Risk : Past producer
Country Risk : Important
Title(s) of the Ykanskoye Project
Zoloto Resources Ltd.
Owner: 51%
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51% owned by Zoloto Resources (with an option to move to 100%).
Location of the Ykanskoye Project
The project is situated 130km north of Bodaibo and centered 15km south of the local small mining support town of Marakan and situated 2km off the main gravel access road.
History of the Ykanskoye Project
The Ykanskoye deposit area was mined for alluvial gold in the 19th century, with additional alluvial mining conducted in the 1950's. It is reported that 50t of gold has historically been recovered from the area. The hard rock deposit was discovered earlier this decade.
Geology of the Ykanskoye Project
The Ykanskoye deposit is hosted within Riphean-Sorbian age metamorphic schist units which have been intruded by Upper-Palaeozic age granite dykes which cross-cut the earlier schist units. The mineralized zone is hosted immediately above a black carbo more...
Data last updated on : 6/21/2010
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