Zeehan Project
Country Egypt 
Latitude / Longitude 41 S 53 / 145 E 20
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Explores for Tin -
Last updated on 4/2/2010 - Terms of Use
Risk and valuation analysis of the Zeehan Project
Status Risk : Advanced discovery
Country Risk : Important
Title(s) of the Zeehan Project
Gippsland Limited
Owner: 100%
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Gippsland has a joint venture at Zeehan with Western Metals Limited (ASX: “WMT”). Under the terms of the Joint Venture Agreement, which is subject to a number of conditions precedent, Western Metals has the right to increase its Zeehan ownership to 7 more...
Western Metals Limited
Interest: 60%
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Interest in Zeehan is as a 60% JV partner with Gippsland Ltd. Under the terms of this agreement Western Metals may earn up to 70% equity in the project by completing a feasibility study.
Location of the Zeehan Project
The Zeehan tin (Sn) deposit is located within a major tin province in the northwest of Tasmania approximately 15km from the large Renison tin deposit. Tin mineralization occurs as cassiterite and stannite in four deposits; Queen Hill, Severn, Montana and Golf Course
History of the Zeehan Project
Past drilling totalling 23,000m has established the presence of a substantial tin resource. The Severn deposit, the largest of the four, is located approximately 120m below the surface and is considered to be open at depth. To a depth of 500m below s more...
Geology of the Zeehan Project
The Geology at Zeehan comprises volcanics, clastic sediments and dolomite, all of which contain replacement style tin mineralisaton. The Severn mineralisation is tabular, located close to an unconformity between the Oonah beds and the Crimson Creek sequence. The Montana lens is a massive sulphide lens confined to a particular dolomite sequence.
Exploration and drilling
3/17/2008Divests Interest in Zeehan Tin Deposit
Data last updated on : 9/30/2008
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