Novoshirokinskoye Project
Country Russia 
Province Chita
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Last updated on 11/18/2010 - Terms of Use
Risk and valuation analysis of the Novoshirokinskoye Project
Status Risk : Mine development
Country Risk : Important
Title(s) of the Novoshirokinskoye Project
Highland Gold Mining Ltd
Joint venture: 48.25%
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agreement at the end of 2006 between Highland Gold and Kazzinc as 50% partner
Location of the Novoshirokinskoye Project
The deposit at Novoshirokinskoye (Novo) is located in Chita Region of Eastern Siberia, Russia.
History of the Novoshirokinskoye Project
The deposit at Novoshirokinskoye was discovered in 1951 and extensively explored between 1956 and 1962. A development plan for a base metal mine was formulated in 1969 and construction of the project began in 1970. The construction work progressed sl more...
Geology of the Novoshirokinskoye Project
The Novoshirokinskoye deposit occurs in a 20 m to 300 m thick fault zone hosted by a sequence of Upper Jurassic volcanic and sedimentary rocks. The mineralisation is confined to the central portion of the zone with a strike length of up to 2.2 km and more...
Data last updated on : 12/31/2008
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