Profile and commentaries of hchahim
Member since October 2013
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3 commentaries, with 0 Reply
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Last commentary posted on Tuesday, March 3, 2015
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 James Howard Kunstler
Heroes and Villains  (17)
PS you condemn in no uncertain terms current day American political leaders - you certainly dont appear to believe what they say and yet you are prepared to believe and put your faith in Allied wartime political leaders?? Thats really pushing credulity, do you seriously imagine the politicians of yesteryear were any better than the current lot?? LOL
3/3/2015 at 2:05 PM  6  0  Rating :  6 Permalink
 James Howard Kunstler
Heroes and Villains  (17)
Hi James. You dont actually have any objective proof that Hitler was evil or 'genuine evil' as you put it. The victors - including Jews who l would describe as an integral part of the group of victor countries - and lets not forget that the Jews declared war on Germany at the World Jewish Council meeting in New York in 1933, further compromising any Jewish claim to objective or reasoned reporting and analysis - ...
3/3/2015 at 1:57 PM  1  0  Rating :  1 Permalink
 Darryl Robert Schoon - Survive the Crisis
How It Will End  (19)
Every year 80 million more "people" are added to the Earths population - after you subtract deaths. These "people" are being born in the Third World. Increasingly more and more of them are making their way to the West which is rapidly becoming an extension of the Third World. Mr Schoons optimistic article is complete garbage, the destruction of the Western, European countries continues apace according to ZOGs pl...
3/14/2014 at 1:32 PM  1  5  Rating :  -4 Permalink