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Member since October 2013
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>Heroes and Villains  - James Howard Kunstler - 
Hi James. You dont actually have any objective proof that Hitler was evil or 'genuine evil' as you put it. The victors - including Jews who l would describe as an integral part of the group of victor countries - and lets not forget that the Jews declared war on Germany at the World Jewish Council meeting in New York in 1933, further compromising any Jewish claim to objective or reasoned reporting and analysis - the victors have written the history, the Germans have remained largely silent since 1945, and anyone else who might be tempted question the accuracy of what we are told about ww2 is very nearly immediately silenced one way or another. The wonderful and righteous Allies bombed and raped and bombed and raped their way to Berlin and having won the war their very first act was to murder 1.25 million German soldiers in the Rhine Meadows 'camps'. lf all the facts about ww2 were made public many in the West would start to question what we've been told by our leaders and the mainstream media, indeed many now do question. There is no part of history that can be 'locked down' or set as if in concrete - so we should question, l can assure you the more you look the more unsettled you will become!!

3362 days ago
Beginning of the headline :T he poet W.B. Yeats was right in 1919 when he said the center cannot hold, as if, following the first great industrial slaughter of modern times, he discovered the lethal vacuum at the center of modernity itself. There was a lot to be nervous about after the First World War. And right away, of course, enter, stage-right, Adolf Hitler. We’re still trying to explain that cat to ourselves, and not just the Germans, either. Who cannot be awed by the appearance of genuine evil in the world? Although... Read More
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