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Keeping Up Statistical Appearances

IMG Auteur
Published : October 16th, 2012
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Category : Editorials





Last week, supporters of the current administration rejoiced over job numbers released by the Bureau of Labor and Statistics (BLS). For the first time since the administration came to power, the official unemployment number fell below 8%. Keynesian cheerleaders all claimed the numbers meant we are surely on the road to economic recovery, just in time for Christmas, and also, the election. Others saw through this ruse.

The situation on the ground looks nothing like a recovery. 23 million people are still out of work or chronically underemployed. This number is expected to rise dramatically next year. The situation in Washington should not give anyone cause for optimism. Politicians refuse to look honestly and intelligently at the cause of our economic malaise, and so real solutions are not taken seriously or acted upon. It is much easier and less painful to simply recalculate the numbers and redefine the terms until a rosier picture is presented. There is only blind hope that at some point, for some reason, things might change. But nothing will change for the better if we only stay the course.

The truth is the long term solutions to our economic quagmire involve some short term pain. Re-evaluating the economic role of an institution as insidious and behemoth as the Federal Reserve will inconvenience some people, and those people happen to have a lot of power. Similarly, the idea of ending government programs and closing down superfluous departments will always upset someone because it means someone will stop getting a government check.

No one wants to upset the apple cart, even if all the apples are rotten.

Not all of the unemployed are counted in the BLS unemployment numbers. This is no secret. In 1994 government statisticians came up with the term "discouraged worker" to remove entire swaths of people from the unemployment statistic. Now all the government has to do to improve the unemployment numbers is discourage people from looking for a job.

Far more unintended consequences are created in Washington than jobs.

Ideally, the business sector should be able to depend on sound numbers from the BLS, but smart business leaders know that trust in these numbers leads to bad decisions and failure. In regards to the recent jobs numbers, investor Jim Rogers recently stated “I have learned not to take advice from the government, especially the US government, which frequently misleads its citizens." He also noted the election just around the corner, suggesting timing as an extra incentive to keep fudging the statistics.

The real drivers of the productive economy can't afford to take risks based on false numbers. This is why economist John Williams created Shadow Government Statistics, utilizing more traditional methodologies and definitions to show business decision makers the real economic picture, warts and all. He shows the real unemployment rate to be a staggering 22.8%.

This is a difficult figure to accept as the actual truth. Perhaps if the politicians did, the people would finally demand real change and real solutions. Perhaps they would consider that all of the so-called stimulus spending, quantitative easing and mountains of regulation from Washington has only crippled the economy. Perhaps people would come to understand that fewer checks handed out from the public sector would mean more checks available in the private sector, and a return to real prosperity instead of just the appearance of it.



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Congressman Ron Paul of Texas enjoys a national reputation as the premier advocate for liberty in politics today. Dr. Paul is the leading spokesman in Washington for limited constitutional government, low taxes, free markets, and a return to sound monetary policies based on commodity-backed currency. He is known among both his colleagues in Congress and his constituents for his consistent voting record in the House of Representatives: Dr. Paul never votes for legislation unless the proposed measure is expressly authorized by the Constitution. In the words of former Treasury Secretary William Simon, Dr. Paul is the "one exception to the Gang of 535" on Capitol Hill.
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Congratulations America. You are about to enjoy your one day of democracy for each 4 years of fascism. Enjoy. And by the way, if anyone has noticed, that one day of democracy is limited to a choice between two morons to the exclusion of any other candidates. Yup, US democracy is great.
There were times when politicians of integrity stood firmly behind the people. " Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country ".
The great failure of the libertarian movement is to be drawn into the same old one day election ruse.
So here is some free advice to Ron Paul, Gary Johnson and other libertarian candidates. Tell your supporters to vote every day. With their pockets. Don't like the controlled schmedia? Cancel your cable. Don't like made in China? Just refuse to buy it. Educate the masses. Every half buck saved by buying imported products will cost you one buck next year. Because your neighbor, who used to have a job creating the product, is now out of work. His house is for sale and he draws public benefits. It is the new American motto. Short term gain, long term pain.
If libertarians do in fact have popular support then their supporters have actions required of them. Many actions. Actions that abandon the principle of " what your country can do for you".
So someone please remind the people know that they are in control of their futures. Whether Schmuck 1 or Schmuck 2 wins the election makes no difference. What makes a difference is how the people conduct themselves.
I would recommend that Gary Johnson return to New Mexico and demand that the people vote that same day.
With their pockets. Make them choose. If 30 or 40% of cable subscribers cancel their subscriptions in one day you may get some attention. Show the people that they can control the schmedia. Or at least have them admit that they prefer to be controlled by the schmedia as long as it continues to supply football and dancing with the?

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Congratulations America. You are about to enjoy your one day of democracy for each 4 years of fascism. Enjoy. And by the way, if anyone has noticed, that one day of democracy is limited to a choice between two morons to the exclusion of any other candida  Read more
frankkarl - 10/16/2012 at 4:10 PM GMT
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