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The Next Large Scale Moly Mine - Who Exactly Is In The Lead?

IMG Auteur
Published : April 06th, 2007
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For many months now and even more so of late with the flock of new Moly plays emerging & endless promotions thereof, it has become very apparent to myself and to a few others who have been directly involved or writing/researching on the so-called Moly-Mania phase for over two years that there are some serious misconceptions out there regarding various junior Molybdenum projects. I cannot emphasize enough how many emails and calls I field almost daily from Investors, Brokers, Fund Managers, Research Groups and even personal associates etc; all wanting to know my opinions on various participants among the gaggle of current Jr Moly plays. There are just so many Molybdenum plays out there right now it has to be very confusing for any long term player outside of the day traders. I can only assume and frequently I am told that these constant requests I receive come as a result of the multiple editorials I have written since early 2005 on Molybdenum. So now it finally behooves me to take up pen and try to clarify some widespread misconceptions. As I see it there are only three possible “Current” & near term (1.5 to 3-4 years out depending on which company) Large Scale (meaning @ least 10 or more Million pounds production p/y) Molybdenum Mine hopefuls at present and it should also be stated that I see absolutely no reason why all three of these projects can’t eventually see production at some point as they each have projects of merit, history & maturity. As well I would add that contrary to some attitudes, there IS enough increasing Molybdenum demand worldwide as indicated by my own, as well as others research for all three of the companies I have chosen to mention or possibly even more, to become producers over the next few years w/o disrupting the demand/price of Molybdenum to any extent.

The three companies I see with the best potential to be next in line are

*Adanac Molybdenum Corp,

*Idaho General Mines,

*MolyMines Ltd.

(Links to company websites)

Outside of these three aforementioned companies we see a few dozen grassroots stage projects, some w/ or w/o past property exploration history who have jumped aboard the Moly bandwagon over the last couple years. Because of the continual questions posed from so many corners I am going to try, as briefly as possible, to outline the stages required to get near the finish line of a working mine and give some small amount of insight into what an investor should look for in their respective due diligence before swooning over the next Molybdenum play they hear of, or read about. I can readily see that among the majority of the multitude of other newer Jr Moly projects currently out there that most all do not yet even have any scale of NI-43-101 compliant ‘Resources’ nor Scoping Studies, etc, etc, not to mention ‘Pre or Final’ Feasibility Studies. The above items are all obviously totally necessary and relevant aspects of creating a working mine that take years and many, many millions of dollars to complete.

So whether it be monies to be raised for drilling, infill or otherwise, new exploration drill targets, ground Geo-Chem & Geo-Physical work or whatever, it is all very time consuming and very expensive to say the least.

Then after the drilling of 100 plus holes minimum and more, you need to complete an Engineering & Mine Evaluation report with an Environmental Baseline Study to be done by a reputable mine engineering firm(s) and then you would advance into the Socio-Economic & Environmental Studies. Next on the list would probably be to obtain a National Instrument 43-101 Compliance Resource for Measured and Indicated Tonnage & Grades of the said Resource. Now you enter the phase of completing a Pre-Feasibility Study (again by accredited Engineering & Metalurgical Firms). Following that all being successful with necessary approval & green lights given from all these studies you would need to complete a Final Bankable Feasibility Study which usually takes upwards of one year and a lot more money. ($15 to $20M each for the big 3 mines)

Ok, so now where are we at this stage? Well, next would be the time consuming part of dealing with the Government and applying for the Environmental Assessment Act application and Mine Permits applications themselves. Now you would be at the stage where depending on your managements level of confidence in the project’s EAO Permits & Mine Permits being granted that you would enter the Detailed Engineering (this alone can take up to one yr and cost $10 Million or more) & the Procurement stage for long lead items. At this point you should have the Engineering firms do the detail design for the Milling Process and Mine Facility as well as Tailings Site, Waste Dumps and Water Management. Now the company needs to raise a few hundred Million Dollars to build all this infrastructure (CAPEX) (Capital Expenditure). The CAPEX rule of thumb is currently about $20,000.00 per Tonne milled per day. So for a 20,000 T/p/d operation you’d have approximately a $400 Million dollar CAPEX. If you’re going to invest in a potential, soon to be working mine, all these things and a few minor things I left out for brevity are going to have to be accomplished before you own a piece of any working, producing mine in the 21st Century. That about sums it up for the process and first few years of bringing a mine into production from just being claim blocks on a mapsheet.

As an aside I called Mr Larry Reaugh, now the Chairman of Adanac Molybdenum Corp (who has been on the Moly trail for about 15 years) and asked him ‘approximately what it had cost Adanac over the last 3 years to bring their Ruby Creek project up to their current Engineering, Procurement and Permitting stage and he said’… “ that even with over 104,800 ft (31,959 M) of previous drill work in the 1970’s, a 9500 T bulk sample from the 3660 ft Adit, cross cuts & raises, plus the subsequent 3 Feasibility Studies (one stage 2) all done back then by majors on Ruby Creek, it will have cost Adanac approximately $25-$30 Million dollars in conjunction with the participation of high caliber of Metalurgists & Engineering firms, along with competent experienced Adanac management/directors & staff ”.

Personally myself, having been to the Ruby Creek project and the town of Atlin twice in the last year, I think I would add also that w/o Adanac having earned the respect and the support of local First Nations people and Atlin residents, this like many Canadian mining projects could have died on the vine long ago.

Now for the rest of the CAPEX aspect. Regardless of some detractors statements I’ve repeatedly heard of first hand for some months now regarding the viability of these three above mentioned companies and other Molybdenum project of size not being able to get financed, whom for obvious reasons don’t like hearing of, or want any sizable competition intruding on their Molybdenum production, well don’t be fooled. Those who think they can halt successful, determined and realistic progress, especially when the realistic projects can step out and raise $30 or $40 Million dollars in a ‘Bought Financing’ and when being very near the stage of permits being granted, well they wasting their breath. CAPEX money always comes to any REAL potential money making, permitted mine, because making money is what it’s all about. I know from personal contacts in the steel, catalyst & mining industries that there are many end users and steel companies out there right now worrying about how to tie up future “Primary” Molybdenum production for their own use and owning a percentage or even all of a “Primary” Molybdenum mine is the perfect way to do so. My bet is they see Moly going higher in price, off and on for some years ahead and thus they’re running around trying to get new potential mines to sign off-take agreements early before the company may even need one and are invariably entertaining thoughts or exploring the potential of partial ownership of a new mine. (like the Sojitz Corp’s 25% of the Endako Mine) The most effective and knowledgeable company management would know full well they can field an off-take agreement almost any day of the week with the Moly demand we now see and will see for years to come. So why be in a rush when you can expect to do these agreements (off-takes) at higher prices, right about the time you negotiate the CAPEX debt funding a/o a JV partner. The other side of the CAPEX coin is that the world is awash with cash looking for a place to go to work and multi-billion dollar mines to finance w/ short timeframe payback are obviously few and far between. As I say if the company does everything right, has the right project and progresses it along in a timely fashion w/ no engineering mistakes to be redone at great cost then the CAPEX will come if it isn’t already possibly being negotiated by one or two of the three companies outlined.

*NOTE: Current status of the three companies I personally see as the definitive front runners for the next Large Scale Molybdenum Mine:

Adanac Molybdenum Corp:


-Bankable Final Feasibility Study: Completed Apr./06

-Mine Permits and EAO Application: Filed Aug. /06

-Detailed Engineering & Procurement: Contracted & UnderWay

-Contracts For Mine Construction Camp: Completed

-Mine Lease Approval: Approved Mar. /07

-Mine Permits, EAO Approval: Expected June /07

-Total CAPEX: +/- $400 M

-Daily Tonnage: +20,000 T/p/d

-Mine Construction Start: June/July /07

-Initial Production Expected: 1st Q /09


Idaho General Mines:

-Initiation Of Baseline & Environmental Studies: (underway)

-Initiation Of Bankable Final Feasibilty Study: (underway)

-EIS Permitting: Being Advanced in /07

-Detailed Enginering & Procurement: No Data Found

-Mine Lease Approval: No Data Found

-Total CAPEX: Expected Up To +/- $700 M

-Daily Tonnage: Expected 40,000 T/p/d

-Mine Construction Start: Expected 2nd Half /08

-Initial Production: Expected 2010


Molymines Ltd:

-Environmental Approval: Expected in 2nd Half /07

-Mine Lease Approval: Mar/07

-Detailed Engineering & Procurement: No Data Found

-Bankable Final Feasibility Study: Expected July /07

-Total CAPEX Expected: +/- $ 622 M (based on Pre-Feasibilty)

-Daily Tonnage: Approx 40,000 T/p/d (based on 15 Mil T/p/y)

-Mine Construction Start: No Data Found

-Initial Production Expected: 3rd Q /09

*Hopefully the above timeline & steps can give you some scope of what stage each of the three companies are currently at, and who will be first in line to generate revenue for its shareholders. Even tho all three companies are currently very well financed with millions of $$ in the bank “It seems quite apparent to me that Adanac Molybdenum Corp is in the lead by a fair margin”. If one is first to permitting approval with their BFFS in hand, Detailed Design & Procurement of long lead items, then I would strongly suggest they will be first to receive debt financing and/or a JV partnership offer to help raise the necessary CAPEX funds.

*NOTE- the above timeline & current status information was taken from the *Haywood Securities Apr 2/07 MOL Report & the Website for MolyMines; *News Releases & the Website for Idaho Gen; *News Releases, Final Feasibility Study & the Website for Adanac Molybdenum.

On another note if some folks are going to start calling & emailing me again, wanting further discussions as to which one of the three companies outlined that I see as having the best chance of being first or moreover ever being permitted and financed, well you’ll possibly just have to do some more in depth research and comparisons to figure it out as even tho I do have definitive personal opinions after 2 ½ years at this, I’m not an investment advisor. I’ve given a few tools and outlines here to work from and all three of these companies have websites and a multitude of news releases outlining where they’ve been, what they’ve accomplished, and what’s next. I would think it should be relatively easy and straightforward from here on in.

So in a nutshell when reviewing any new Mine project or Jr grassroots play look at the mine property history if there is any, pay close attention to geological reports, (remember it’s not always ore grades or orebody size that make mines, it’s more about lifespan, feasibility, permitability and profitability) look at managements past successes & caliber of their working team, and pay close attention as to where they are in the timeline of necessary events I have outlined that must be accomplished before you have a producing mine. Have they factored in power costs (electrical grid a/o power plant generation) or do they have access to a sufficient mine water supply and a year round shipping port or railhead? Is it realisticly open pit or underground? What is the stripping ratio? In some cases it can take years (if ever) to obtain all the necessary permits for a mine if there are any anti-mining tree huggers lurking nearby. (and yes, they do love their Moly frame Mtn Bikes and SUV’s even tho they hate mines)

Now myself I’d keep in mind if you aren’t an in & out day trader, but you want a longer term investment, (for the real money) that most all of the grassroots plays out there will never see a permit, open pit or a mineshaft. You know who’ll get the shaft at the end of the day when the music stops. It may be a time of unbridled excitement in the junior Molybdenum & Uranium Markets right now, but at some point much further down the road we’ll all look back and see it was a time of irrational exuberance for the majority of the current new Molybdenum projects we now see coming into play. If it never makes a mine then it only made money for those who bought and “Sold” the shares on the way up.

As always: Thanks for reading & best of luck to all those on the trail of Moly-Mania” & the “Next” Big Molybdenum Mine.

Best Regards; Ken Reser

Investor Relations & Research Consultant:


Office- 403-844-2914

*Molybdenum News Only Website: Free Membership:

NOTE: If you wish to receive ‘periodical’ reports on Gold, Silver & Molybdenum, or companies involved in these aspects of mineral exploration and production thereof please email me to become a free subscriber. There often times is potential to participate in Private Placement Financings as well if you have so indicated an interest….KR

Disclaimer: I am an independent Investor Relations & Research Consultant, currently employed by Goldrea Resources Corp, Adanac Molybdenum Corp. Molycor Gold Corp and Rocher Deboule Minerals Corp. I may own shares in these or other companies from time to time a/o hold options of said companies. This editorial is not a recommendation to own or buy shares of said companies as I am not an accredited investment adviser. KR.

Ken Reser

Research & Development Consultant.


Office Ph: 403-844-2914

Molybdenum News Only Website:



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Mr Reser has over 20 years direct involvement in the Gold Mining market sector as well as having been a Placer Gold Miner for a number of years. His considerable experience in the IR field with Jr Gold, Diamond & Oil Explorationists will enable him to work well with Goldrea's current endeavours. Mr Reser has consulted on Gold exploration and prospecting projects in Africa and South America as well as mineral claim staking in NWT, BC, & Yukon.He is a founding member of the Gold Anti-Trust Action (GATA). He is presently involved in a Corp Development & Research Consulting capacity for three Canadian mining companies.
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