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>Germany Under Pressure To Create Money - John Browne - Euro Pacific Capital
"However, the German elite has long seen the EU as an opportunity for acquiring the empire Germany has for so long desired."

This is a bit rich. Germans, for the most part are a hard working and disciplined lot who just happen to be very good at what they do. They made a commitment to the EU and the true test of any commitment is how it fares during a crisis. To their credit Germany has been quite good about being leant on so hard by the less successful EU nations. Calls for austerity are merely a recognition that there is no such thing as a free lunch, which most governments and central banks seem to have forgotten. Besides, I don't think the ECB has the power to simply print money ad infinitum like the U.S. Fed, whether its in Germany's interests or not.

Historically Germany were a bit late to the game of empire building - as England, France and Spain were amassing huge bounties from their colonies and conquests. A bit of North Africa was all they managed. History is written by the winners and we all seem to easily forget the atrocities by which our own empires were founded on. To make some rediculous assertion that the German elite are trying build an empire through the EU by supporting the "lazy southern nations" is going a bit far. Obama can buy votes with a welfare state but Germany can't buy votes from Italians or Greeks in a bid to rule the EU.

4016 days ago
Beginning of the headline :Currently, central banks around the world are walking in lock step down a dangerous path of money creation. Led by the Federal Reserve and the Bank of Japan, economic policy is driven by the idea that printed money can be the true basis of growth. The result is an unprecedented global orgy of currency creation. The only holdout to this open ended commitment has been the hard money bias of the German-dominated European Central Bank (ECB). However, growing political pressure from around the world,... Read More
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