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Cameron Waugh
Member since May 2012
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>Jive Talkin’  - James Howard Kunstler - 
The great artist paints a clear picture that even the fool can understand. Access to clean water should be a high priority and if gold can provide a leak free connection - so be it. Silver has natural purification qualities and is also much more useful than only as a "monetary" metal. It is noble, but not so noble as to not be useful. Gold is more noble, but perhaps not as noble as most of us have imagined. Does anyone out there have thoughts on "mon-atomic gold" ? It is apparently created from gold and has some incredible qualities. Anti-gravitational, cell regeneration and multi-dimensional characteristics - to name a few. It could explain how some humans of antiquity were purported to have lived for hundreds of years and build high precision large stone structures with what we today regard as "limited" technology. My information is that this "gold" exists as a fine white powder - like talcum, and is created using an electrical arc between gold (as we know it) electrodes of high purity. Does anyone out there have enough gold to try some welding with it ? Please let me know how you go. A safe and prosperous new year to all gentle readers.

3786 days ago
Beginning of the headline :And so in his valedictory, Federal Reserve chief Ben Bernanke pulls one last dead rabbit out of his hat — it suffocated while the head-fake taper percolated in Ben’s brain lo these many months of jive talkin’. As the year turns, the central bank will supposedly monetize $10 billion less debt per month — $75 billion down from $85 billion — with $5 billion each deducted from the US Treasury stream and the rotten mortgage barrel. Was there a catch?      You could say that. For instance, what to mak... Read More
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