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>McCain Heads to Ukraine with Seven Other Senators; Let's Hope They All Stay; Ugly is Beautiful  - Mish - Global Economic Analysis
"The meeting comes ahead of a planned referendum in Crimea on Sunday to secede from Ukraine and join Russia — something the U.S. has said would violate the country’s constitution. "

So I assume there was no constitutional problem with the rabble overthrowing what was the lawful government?
Did everyone forget that one of the demands the rabble had was reversion to the old constitution?
How can a lawful government exist when the Parliament is surrounded by people willing to commit mayhem? No, not the supposed Russians in Crimea, but the rabble in Kiev.

Are we seeing the Ukraine version of Jacobins versus Girondists? Do you really think the illegally deposed POTU will get a fair impeachment? Did the Ukraine Parliament follow the constitution in their deposing of the POTU?

As I see it, the real problem is folks in other countries might get the idea that they too can throw out the feces-consuming politicians along with the bad legislation they force upon the people that work for a living. We can't have that. The illegal government of Ukraine obviously doesn't need the consent of the governed as they have the blessing of the USA, so consent is irrelevant.

And I agree with exporting McCain to Ukraine. He never met a country he wasn't eager to bomb into the stone-age.

Let the Crimeans decide for themselves. Khrushchev never let them decide. Obviously the POTUS and Congress agrees with the choice Khrushchev made.

3705 days ago
Beginning of the headline :Here's the question of the day: What can senators John McCain (R-Az), Dick Durbin (D-Ill.), John Barrasso (R-Wyo.), John Hoeven (R-N.D.), Ron Johnson (R-Wis.), Chris Murphy (D-Conn.), Jeff Flake (R-Ariz.) and Sheldon Whitehouse (D-R.I.) do for Ukraine? The answer of course is simple: Nothing. So, why is that group of eight senators wasting money going there? The only possible answer is some combination of arrogance, political foolishness, and support for warmongering. McCain Leads Delegation ... Read More
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