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Member since June 2012
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>The Mystery Revealed  - James Howard Kunstler - 
It is blatantly obvious that both the Republican and Democrat party provide no-win options for the American public. The Libertarian party is a viable option but many voters wet their pants at the thought of any real change to the status quo. They actually want something different but are unwilling to give up their cherished belief that it's either Republicans and Democrats and anything else is un-American. If I had to guess, the Founding Fathers would throw all the bums out and support the candidate or party that promoted less government and more personal liberty.

2944 days ago
Beginning of the headline :The mystery is at last revealed: why does the field of candidates for president score so uniformly low in trust, credibility, likability? Why are there no candidates of real substance, principle, and especially of real charm in this scrim of political basilisks? (Surely there are many people of substance and principle elsewhere in America — they just don’t dare seek the job at the symbolic tippy-top of this clusterfuck of faltering rackets.) The... Read More
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