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And Then Everything Happens at Once

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Published : September 20th, 2021
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This is a very nervous country, and for a good reason: the collective sense of reality has commenced a momentous shift, the compass is spinning wildly, things are shaking loose in the national brain-pan, the gaslight has lost its sheen, and the once-solid narrative is turning to vapor, starting with the unspooling riddles of Covid-19.

The numbers don’t add up, starting with the fact that when you combine the official registered Covid cases (people with acquired natural immunity) with the people who already had some kind of immunity from previous life-long coronavirus encounters, with the number of people vaccinated, you have a population supposedly way beyond herd immunity. Who’s getting sick now? Mostly people who are all vaxed up.

Contrary to the behavior and statements of public health officials and politicians, the news is out that the spike proteins produced by the vax’s mRNA genetic reprogramming are toxic agents that create disorder in the major organs and blood vessels. The news is also out, despite strenuous suppression, that early treatment of Covid-19 with a kit of cheap drugs defeats the disease. People must conclude that there is a malevolent purpose behind the suppression of early treatment. They may also conclude that the vaxes are poison.

Mandating the vaxes was an easily-predicted tactical blunder. Did “Joe Biden” and company not realize that threatening the livelihoods of a hundred million people might generate a whole lot of anger and resentment? Especially since those people have good reasons to believe the vax is harmful to them? Last week, an FDA advisory panel ruled against distributing mRNA booster shots among the general population over age 16 — with exceptions for the vaguely-defined “high risk” individuals over 65.

In spite of that, Covid czar Dr. Anthony Fauci keeps pushing for boosters. On Sunday, he told NBC’s Jake Tapper: “We’re waiting for data on natural immunity. We know that if you have natural immunity and also get the shot, immunity dramatically increases.” Oh, really? Even though it’s known for sure (i.e., established in science) that natural immunity is way more potent, comprehensive, and permanent than anything the vaccine pretends to offer, while it is becoming clear that the vaxes disable people’s immune system — hence, the impressive number of the vaxed getting sick.

Is Dr. Fauci desperate or just plain crazy? The question may be moot, because it looks like he’s out of running-room on his whole crusade, Covid-19, vaxes, authoritative bullshit, and all. The story has fallen apart. It looks an awful lot like the government is trying to harm people health-wise, while it destroys jobs and small business and ruins households financially, and that counter-story is spreading faster now than Covid-19. It’s fair to ask whether all that has destroyed the legitimacy of the people in charge — but that is only one of several issues converging to detonate the people’s faith in their own government.

It appears that the first results of the Arizona 2020 election will finally come out this week. Word is the results are not just eye-opening but devastating; they will show appalling mischief in the balloting that indicates “Joe Biden’s” victory was concocted nefariously — bad “optics,” a little bit, when “Joe Biden’s” government already has its heel on the neck of a hundred million people to get a dangerous vax or lose their jobs and incomes.

The crisis on the US / Mexican border has suddenly gotten so bad that even the mainstream media had to report on it. The shanty town of Haitians and other foreign nationals moiling under the freeway bridge at Del Rio, Texas, grows by thousands each day, to around 15,000 as of Sunday. “Joe Biden’s” owns the open border, and everybody knows it, and the actual citizens of the USA are getting alarmed and sore about it. On Sunday night, the White House announced “plans” to fly at least 10,000 of the Haitians to Haiti, despite the fact that most of them had been living in Brazil, Chile, and other nations before entering the USA. Haiti, of course, is the poorest country in the western hemisphere and only recently suffered a massive earthquake, not to mention the assassination in July of its president. Does this airlift sound like a plan? Maybe check the “no” box on that. US citizens might have also registered that “Joe B” unloaded 37,000 Afghanis in five states since we bailed on that country August 31, and plans to bring in almost 100,000 by the end of 2022 (Yahoo News). All this at a time when millions of Americans have lost their businesses, lost their jobs, and are under threat of losing more jobs for not getting vaxed.

Think this is enough to cause a national attitude adjustment? China’s financial system has tripped into a liquidity crisis with the insolvency of its colossal Evergrande real estate Ponzi. As I write, US equity markets are down over one percent at the Monday open. Several European markets are down over two percent at their close. Isn’t this a great time for a global financial crisis? Maybe you’re saying, no, not so much. That’d probably be a good call.

Events, you see, are closing in on all the fraught mendacious fakery that permeates the world, and the USA especially, in this time of the proposed “great re-set.” This is the week that will be the week that was. Try to keep your head together while other heads are exploding around you, and see what kind of country we are on Friday. Maybe not quite the same place.

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James Howard Kunstler has worked as a reporter and feature writer for a number of newspapers, and finally as a staff writer for Rolling Stone Magazine. In 1975, he dropped out to write books on a full-time basis. His nonfiction book, "The Long Emergency," describes the changes that American society faces in the 21st century. Discerning an imminent future of protracted socioeconomic crisis, Kunstler foresees the progressive dilapidation of subdivisions and strip malls, the depopulation of the American Southwest, and, amid a world at war over oil, military invasions of the West Coast; when the convulsion subsides, Americans will live in smaller places and eat locally grown food.
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Well James: I see you vastly under-estimated The Power of the Dark Side. The National Swindle is truly invincible. Preventing lightweight Arizona from exposing The OFFICIAL NARRATIVE for what it is looked like The-gay-guy-marries-female-to-keep-up-appearances charade. On the bright side ~ everyone on the street knows the truth ~ everyone.

The Butterfly Effect (pointing out The Truth & Lies of PAST Events) won't change the outcome. There are a LOT of people betting their lives on the Current OFFICIAL NARRATIVE: "The vaccine is 100% safe and 100% effective in preventing COVID." Biblically, Jesus said "You will know what kind of tree it is from the fruit it produces." The vaccinated are getting COVID. "100% safe" is the next bad apple.

Hang in there Brother. It gets even worse from here.

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Well James: I see you vastly under-estimated The Power of the Dark Side. The National Swindle is truly invincible. Preventing lightweight Arizona from exposing The OFFICIAL NARRATIVE for what it is looked like The-gay-guy-marries-female-to-keep-up-appe  Read more
Gypsy - 9/27/2021 at 1:20 AM GMT
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