Get the h..eck out of GLD and SLV now and use alternative gold and silver bullion investments

IMG Auteur
Published : September 05th, 2011
608 words - Reading time : 1 - 2 minutes
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As I sit here in AWE watching gold melt up during COMEX trading hours while it is CLOSED for LABOR DAY, I am convinced more than EVER that this fall will see the end of the Gold Cartel, the end of the Euro, and the end of the fraudulent U.S. banking system (and if I’m wrong, there’s NO WAY the GLOBAL FINANCIAL PONZI SCHEME lasts through early 2012.

In other words, as I have BEGGED and PLEADED for YEARS now, but particularly in 2011, you are RAPIDLY RUNNING out of time to PROTECT YOURSELF from HYPERINFLATION, especially in the United States and the European PIIGS nations.

Moreover, I fear that draconian government actions (which have already commenced) will destroy millions of Americans’ assets, regardless of the economic climate. That is why you need to be EXTREMELY careful in how you PROTECT your assets.

My August 25th RANT, “Outing” GLD and SLV, and ‘Inning’ Alternative Forms of Gold and Silver Investment, Including Mining Companies”, has yielded as much discussion as any I have written, and for good reason. As I, and numerous others in the “good guy camp” have written for YEARS, the ETFs GLD and SLV appear to be among the largest SCAMS in history, potentially with among the most far-reaching, destructive consequences EVER (Bernie Madoff, LOL).

In this RANT, I laid out the issues with the PROSPECTUSES of these two (likely government-backed) SCAMS, and why, if you are going to invest in PHYSICAL gold and silver, you should instead invest in either ACTUAL COINS (I listed numerous RELIABLE, HONORABLE sellers), the CLOSED-END FUNDS CEF/GTU/SVRZF/PHYS/PSLV, or the online allocated depository GOLDMONEY.COM.

Hopefully, that piece inspired at least a portion of readers to FLEE GLD AND SLV (as well as other questionable ETFs such as IAU) into these investments. However, my guess is many are either too lazy or distrusting to make such portfolio changes, especially if they are holding GLD and/or SLV “paper profits” and don’t want to pay the capital gains taxes (of course, capital gains taxes are likely to SOAR in coming years, but that’s another story).

Anyhow, sometimes one needs to actually SEE evidence rather than READ about it to be convinced, and this morning I cam across a SENSATIONAL, seven-minute video by a guy named “Chris”, who goes over in DETAIL each of the likely FRAUDULENT aspects of the GLD prospectus (SLV is essentially identical).

Attached is a link to this video, below.;v=k08BXBGrCtk#!

Readers, if you can honestly read my “Outing GLD…” RANT and watch this video without being TERRIFIED of losing ALL YOUR INVESTMENT, you not only should not be in the INVESTMENT BUSINESS, but you should not be allowed to even invest your OWN MONEY. Sorry to sound condescending, but regarding the topic of Precious Metals I believe I have earned the right to sound arrogant for a brief moment, particularly pertaining to HELPING you to HELP yourselves. And frankly, there is little time left before the GLD and SLV H-Bomb warnings will start to intensify, in my VERY STRONG view.

Remember in the WIZARD OF OZ, when Dorothy watched the sands of the hourglass running out?

Well that’s where we are as regards the END of the GLOBAL FINANCIAL SYSTEM and possibly the END of your ABILITY to PROTECT YOURSELF from likely SOCIAL UNREST and HYPERINFLATION!

So PLEASE make sure that your investment portfolio is OPTIMIZED NOW, as you are running out of chances!

Whoops, gotta go, gold just passed $1,900/oz again ($2,074/oz on APMEX for orders of LESS than 20 coins with a credit card, per below), and trading in Italian Banks was just halted AGAIN!


Ranting Andy





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Andrew Hoffman was a buy-side and sell-side analyst in the United States (including six years as an II-ranked oilfield service analyst at Salomon Smith Barney), but since 2002 his focus has been entirely in the metals markets, principally gold and silver. He recently worked as a consultant to junior mining companies, head of Corporate Development, and VP of Investor Relations for different mining ventures, and is now the Director of Marketing for Miles Franklin, a U.S.-based bullion dealer.
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