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High Corn

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Published : August 15th, 2011
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 Looking every inch the Assistant Manager of a J.C. Penny, Rick Perry of Texas stepped on-board the touring evangelical freak show that the Republican pre-primary parade has turned into. I like to think of him as George W. Bush without all the encumbering intellect. I give it three months before media snoops catch him in bed with Michele Bachmann. The two of them will claim it was all right because Jesus was there as chaperone and anyway, "...alls we did was watch the Vikings-Cowboy game...."

Oh these sons and daughters of the high corn! Make no mistake (to borrow a favorite war cry from the presidential cheat sheet), both of these heartland bozos are dumb enough to lead America straight into the graveyard of failed states. Imagine a summit between Rick Perry and whoever succeeds Hu Jintao - the incredulous side-glances of the Chinese leader and his interpreter when Mr. Perry presents the official gift from our nation: a miniature Bible made by the inmates at Stringfellow State Prison and "prayed over by qualified preachers twenty-four hours a day!" Or how about Michele Bachmann and Vlad Putin. I'd sooner watch a gerbil in a terrarium with a King Cobra.

Meanwhile, the other day poor Mitt Romney tried to explain to a crowd of Iowa hot-heads that "corporations are people!" Wasn't that just the right thing to say to folks whose employment opportunities have dwindled down to eviscerating chickens on an assembly line or humping boxes on the WalMart loading dock for $8 an hour. He was heckled mercilessly. I don't see how a candidate recovers from that kind of caught-on-camera mockery - but then again, in a culture that has no shame, just about anything goes.

One thing I'd really like to know about the Republican party, though: if they're so all-fired up about fiscal rectitude and the honest disposition of money, and stuff like that, then how come not a single one of these dissembling ninnies has suggested the investigation and prosecution of the entire Wall Street matrix of swindling grifters - including the officials who rotate between the too-big-to-fail banks and the regulatory agencies like the SEC and the CFTC and all the other utterly failed official watchdogs who stood by whistling Dixie while the future of this country was blatantly sold down the river?

Of course, nobody on the Democratic side asks anything similar of President Obama as he hops from fundraiser to fundraiser. I'd like to know why the fuck the president is even out campaigning more than a year before the election. And hasn't the mainstream news media noticed that there's something a little peculiar about a cycle of perpetual election with no governing in between? I suppose everything is show business now, though I don't expect this aberrant and very dangerous behavior to persist, because virtually all the major operations of the supposedly civilized, "developed" world are veering into a state of obvious failure.

The global financial system is wobbling on its pyramid-tip of debt. Europe is trapped. The members of the currency union can't make good on what they owe and neither can they surrender their independence to some jerry-rigged extra-national authority. At stake is the European banking system and the post-World War Two amity that allowed the region to become the lovely tourist theme park we lately know it as. They are running out of tricks for pretending that debts can revolve forever, and as this occurs the fear rises that the whole lovely thing will bust apart in mob violence, revolution, and maybe even armed conflict between people who don't hold their forks the same way. England is not even in the Euro currency club but five decades of rather feckless immigration policy have resolved into something that looks an awful lot like race war. God knows what the French are thinking, with their own massive immigrant slum population ringing Paris.

Anyway, whatever happens around Europe in the months to come, trouble with its banks is sure to blow back into the American ones, which are hopelessly entangled in Europe's obligations, not to mention skeins of supposed "insurance" swaps contracts primed for ignition at the slightest flap of a black swan's wing that could propel the likes of Lloyd Blankfein's cappuccino machine from an upper floor at 200 West Street, NYC, through the roof, clear to planet Uranus. At least we'd have a space program again.

Surely a lot of European and American officials just want to escape to the seashore for the last two weeks of this punishing month and soak their heads in the surf - perhaps a few will decide to not come back up for air. President Obama will enjoy the briny vapors out on Martha's Vineyard, and maybe even splash around in the wimpy waves there. I'll enjoy the thought of him tying into a clam roll. And now to check how the markets are doing this opening day of the week....



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James Howard Kunstler has worked as a reporter and feature writer for a number of newspapers, and finally as a staff writer for Rolling Stone Magazine. In 1975, he dropped out to write books on a full-time basis. His nonfiction book, "The Long Emergency," describes the changes that American society faces in the 21st century. Discerning an imminent future of protracted socioeconomic crisis, Kunstler foresees the progressive dilapidation of subdivisions and strip malls, the depopulation of the American Southwest, and, amid a world at war over oil, military invasions of the West Coast; when the convulsion subsides, Americans will live in smaller places and eat locally grown food.
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Yeah, an alien invasion of super intelligent apes..... guys kill me.....

More alien apes.....

on welfare.......

Please stop, the wife just called an ambulance.....LOL

Liberals......they'll come to your door one help pay JHK's
Rate :   1  3Rating :   -2
only a bloodthirsty khazar would support bachmann, also a patriot does not mean you are nationalistic, the war losers(germans) fell for that patriot cry. Nationalism is what we need not patriotism.
What we have here, way before Obama, is fascism according to its father:
"Fascism should more appropriately be called Corporatism because it is a merger of state and corporate power."
Benito Mussolini
The US has become the leading Corporatocracy in the world, its politicians bought and paid for, its media under tight corporate control, and even its Supreme Court agreeing that corporations have the right to behave as people in buying influence over our "elections".
GM, you are correct. I am 100% out of fiat currency. That's why I'm here on this site, no?
As to Ron Paul, he is more knowledgable about foreign policy than all the other game show hosts put together. Ron Paul is a realist, not a flag wrapped hypocrite. What he said about Iran is completely correct, that the US has learned to co-exist with nations who had massive stockpiles of nukes, and that it is not within our power to stop countries like India, Pakistan, South Africa, North Korea, etc. from acquiring nukes. Nor should they be viewed as a threat to us, unless they are willing to suffer total and complete destruction.
The Russians knew this, and we lived without war between us despite their 30,000 nukes.
What Paul fears, as I do, is that some Cheney-Rumsfeld type will manufacture all the lies they need to incite a needless war with Iran in order to pump up the corporate fat cats and banksters with a little more federal largesse.
As to Bachman learning as she goes, I think you said it best: "She didn't have a clue (sic) about TARP or the Patriot Act". Maybe she can come back when she gets a clue.
We had panics before the Fed, you are correct. Most were the result of manipulations in the market by robber-barons like Morgan, Vanderbilt, et al. The Fed was founded in order to "control" these panics, but in fact it was founded in order to control the markets, and to make sure there was a systematic way of looting the US, so that all the banksters could share in the spoils. The panic of 1907 was cited as the raison d'etre for the Fed, when in fact it was just a facilitator.
As to Vietnam, very briefly, we promised Ho that Vietnam would become independent in return for helping us against the Japanese, which he did. Unlike Britain, which fulfilled the same promise to its colonies, the French refused to give up their "empire". We were so desperate to get the French into NATO, that we pissed on the Vietnamese & kissed the French ass. It was only then that Ho turned to others for support. He is the Washington of his people, and just one of dozens of leaders we double crossed & stabbed in the back. The US has done, and is still doing, that which you accuse Russia & China of doing in that paragraph.
Anyway, gotta go.
Why not have Donald Trump as President and Ron Paul as VP, then if and when Trump`s sick of doing the President thing he gives Ron Paul to clean up Washington mess. Just dreaming though. I think people are sick of what has come from Texas >George W. Bush loser the moron that was elected twice by what Hamilton called `the masses are asses` crowd. Then Obama another loser our uncle tom step child of George W. Bush and company. Obama is a nazis a national socialist. With a day dream of life in America as Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels could have imagined. Nazism the policy of state control of the economy, racist nationalism, and national expansion. State control we see it every where. Racist nationalism racism discrimination or prejudice based on racism that he`s superior to all of us. National expansion control of IMF & World Bank - Our Federal Reserve Bank system. When he speaks he`s like another A. Hitler he`s the pied piper. Pied piper- A person who offers others strong yet delusive enticement. A leader who makes promises irresponsibly.

I’m familiar with what you are saying, but do not agree with it all. It is more of a symbiotic relationship between the bankers and the pols. The current group of Progressives in power- and I include most of the Republicans in that statement- WANT the big spending programs, WANT to increase their power, WANT the Socialistic nonsense, because it enhances their positions. The bankers are only too happy to bankroll that. They also use their leverage to affect agency regulations, even legislation and policy priorities.

It is difficult to say how much of something like the Viet Nam war was driven simply by profit and how much was driven by geopolitics. Yes, I know that they interact. We know the Soviet Union and China really were trying to take over the world and the US was seeking to prevent that, economically dominate it and use force to their advantage to do so. We know that there was also a native freedom movement in VN, which got wrapped around the axle of the glorious international Marxist workers movement.

Long before the Fed, we still had “panics.” Not all were instigated by the bankers, although all were opportunities to profit. You will recall that Andrew Jackson was so proud that he “killed the bank,” but that didn’t stop the financial oscillations.

In fact, much of the country felt it necessary to create something like the Federal Reserve, although I doubt if they had any inkling of the monster it would become, nor was it any kind of real consensus.

No, I don’t believe that Michele is at all unpatriotic or a willing tool of the bankers. You are selling her short and have seemingly not done your homework. She is a product of a good MidWest middle class upbringing: patriotic and pious as she can possibly be, given what she knows. Give her extra credit for doing far more than most and even bringing “Mises to read on the beach” (her words). She is trying to expand her horizons in a manner that few politicos sincerely attempt. I don’t believe she had any clue how bad it was when she voted for TARP or the Patriot Act, although her consciousness is evolving.

Rick Perry is another whole story. He is a cynical, double-talking statist Fascist. Romney is a more sophisticated Perry with less charisma. They both adhere to a less militant Socialism than The One.

Unfortunately, Ron has some fatal flaws. Any “ism” taken to an extreme and not applied sensibly, creates problems, Exhibit A was his behavior at the Iowa debate, which killed any chance of the GOP base supporting him, although most Ron fans fail to comprehend that. While he’s right about too much meddling and resources directed to the military, he is amazingly naive about geopolitics. The rest would take too many keystrokes. Not being a great typist, I would prefer to cover that by phone, if is your desire to pursue this. I have more hope for Paul 2.0—Rand.

Most of my holdings are not in dollars anymore, not even in any fiat. From your rhetoric, I would say that you agree?
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Rich People?

How about George Soros, the Rothschilds, and Buffet - all liberals.

Goldman Sachs....populated by liberals....

"World Bankers?" Guys like DSK?....liberals....

Sure, bankers are just dreaming for a world with everyone else on the state dole......

JHK wonders about the destruction of America? Well, it was people just like him, with bankers' money and power, that have been tearing it down......

He just wants to gloat when his heros succeed........

The world is going to end, he just wants to accelerate the process so he can be around when it does.....

"Bury the World and everyone in it"....yeah, that's "Deep Thinking" for yah!

Kunstler will not be living in a depopulated, dilapidated subdivision....he's a banker's boy.....
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GM, I felt it necessary to reply to your comment on my patriotism. With that said, let's have a discussion.
You are correct about the Fed, but I think you have it backwards about who controls the strings.
After Wilson made the monumental error of creating a central bank, something that Monroe, Madison, and Jefferson were all against, the banksters gained control of the printing of our currency. This I'm sure you are totally aware of. Having seen the monumental fortunes made by the Medici, the Barings, the Rothschilds, et al., they were now ready to play in the big leagues. The Founding Fathers recognized the power inherent in the control of the money. As Rothschild himself said, "If I control a nations money, I care not who makes the laws".
Just as the European banksters had encouraged, aided and abetted Europes wars, lending money to both sides, and collecting from both regardless of the outcome, so too did the Fed step up to the plate. After lending vast sums to Britain & France, in exchange for their gold as collateral, then & only then did the US step into the war. At the end of WWI, the US held 90% of the worlds gold, and a fistful of IOU's. The Treaty of Versaille slapped enormous reparations on the Germans, which could never be repaid & from which WWII was the inevitable outcome.
It was a period VERY MUCH like today.
Not content with the lack of action after Korea, the military-industrial complex that President Eisenhower warned us about, pulled off a coup d'etat & got 10 good years in Vietnam.
The Gulf wars are a clear attempt to secure middle east oil supplies, and the war in Afghanistan was begun just after the Taliban visited Bush in Crawford, Texas, and declined to sign a pipeline deal with Conoco. Who did Kharzai work for before becoming Afghan President? Conoco.
It is not the politicians compelling the Fed to print more money, it is the Fed telling the politicians what to do, effectively pulling the puppet strings on these game show hosts.
It is the Fed (and all banksters) that has promulgated every boom & bust cycle for centuries. It is how they control economies & suck the wealth out of them. Would it surprise you to know that the Rothschild family is estimated to own as much as 25% of the wealth of the planet?
In the past 20 years, the top 10% of the US population has gone from owning 37% of the nations wealth, to owning 70% today. This massive wealth concentration has been accomplished by crushing the middle class in these engineered bubbles & busts. The banksters knew what they were doing during the housing boom.
Then they convince their political puppets that they are too big to fail, and suck TRILLIONS more out of the national wealth. Since the Fed was founded, the dollar has lost 98% of its purchasing power. It has lost 50% in just the past 4 years. Yes, the banksters, and their "economist" stooges, DO create inflation deliberately. Thats exactly how they win. When currencies are destroyed, and economies collapse, the banksters hold all the IOU's, and all the cards.
Who is a patriot today?
Ron Paul.
End the Fed.
Stop the wars.
Rate :   1  0Rating :   1
If the USA scaled back it's ridiculously large and mostly ineffective military machine, America would be
so much better off, as would be the rest of the world.

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Try this one on for size, GM:
"Guard against the impostures of pretended patriotism."
George Washington
I don't wrap myself in a flag before I open my mouth.
Anyone who has actually read Kunstlers "The Long Emergency", knows that he is a very serious and deep thinking person. Have you read it Bob P?
And no, GM, we don't agree about the Fed. If you did even one small bit of homework, you would know that the Fed is not there to fund a Progressive welfare state; The Fed is there to fund a Corporate welfare state. You accidentally bumped into the truth when you talked about hyperinflation and wanting to destroy the currency and economy.
Thats exactly what they do.
Try reading "Monetary Regimes and Inflation", by Peter Bernholz for a better understanding.
Also try reading about the period between the World Wars to see the amazing parallels to todays economic meltdown, and exactly how it WAS engineered by the global banksters to feed their greed.
Then come back & we can talk.
Rate :   2  0Rating :   2
Fact is we're both right. The Fed feels compelled to raise money for Washington's 60+ year spendathon, which included the welfare state, wars and more recently the huge bank bailouts, many of which were secret. Who is "pretending patriotism?" Instead of answering my question, you simply attacked me. Great dialogue.

FDR helped enable the global banksters to destroy us in the 1930's, because he thought they would support his new deal madness.
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You're right, Bob P., but like a moth attracted to flame, I flew by.

Bobbny: Bachmann 's doing a lot more than praying, although that also helps. Doesn't sound like that's your bag. Who are your patriots, or is that not your bag either? At least we agree on the evil Fed and monetary policy. They think they need it to fund the Progressive welfare state, since no economist worth his salt would create hyperinflation deliberately, unless he WANTED to destroy the currency and economy.

It's probably more important that a politician be a constitutionalist than a Social Conservative or Liberal.
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It is pathetic that Kuntsler and his socialist buddies have to put their pompous, idiotic, bias and ridiculous comments ahead of any real thoughtful journalism. This guy has no credibility for me. I for one won't be reading any more of his slushy pious garbage, since he is more about name calling and bigotry than writing thoughtful words! Don't waste your time with this guy!!!
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keep on writing, i don't feel so lonely
Michele Bachman a patriot?
Perry,Bachmann, and all the rest are bible thumping "social conservatives" who have no clue whatsoever about what to do except to pray.
This is exactly why the Founding Fathers insisted on separation of church & state.
The root of all evil can be found in the corrupt banking system that has debased our currency by 98% since 1913, has fostered a cycle of boom and bust, and that has sucked the wealth out of this nation until we are now a hollowed out economy, fiscally bankrupt and devoid of leadership.
We are like Germany in 1919.
Staring into the abyss of fiscal collapse, and looking for a savior.
Things didn't work out so well for Germany over the ensuing 25 years.
I suggest you dust off your history books, and discover for yourselves who the true enemies are.
GM: I guess 24hr Gold likes to stir up controversy and present all views even as irrational and phobic as Kunstler's. Maybe they want to introduce a comic element. Who knows. At least they provide a forum for response. All we can do is prepare: get up Monday monrings, put on the coffee, get out the roach spray, boot up the computer, log onto 24hr gold....and wait.
Rate :   6  -2Rating :   8
As I was reading this, I thought, this is "High Corn" in itself, only to see that Jim C. beat me to it in his comment.

Kunstler's rhetoric has sunken beneath contempt. His other Progressive heroes have disappointed him, so he now seeks to conflate Rick Perry with a patriot like Michele Bachmann and heap vile insults upon her. She unfortunately isn't perfect, but would be a huge improvement over NWO RINO Perry or the incumbent. He doesn't even seem to realize that Perry is closer to the Progressives than he thinks.

Is 24hGgold so hard up for free material that they continue such drek?
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HIGH CORN or HIGH ON CORN? - a classic freudian slip methinks. In his highest intellectual demeanor Kunstler asks "I'd like to know why the fuck the president is even out campaigning more than a year before the election?" A Harvard man if ever I heard one.

This curmudgeon has nothing good say about anybody, Republican or Democrat, and nothing to offer except shunting people out of their automobiles and onto crime ridden mass transit. To him, everyone not espousing global warming and the end of oil, is a 'bozo.' Does Kunstler offer any ideas other than his usual irrationalities about returning to the 'good old' pre-industrial days? I still laugh at previous proposal of his that the Japanese should return to their Samauri tradition.

Looking at his photo I do see a resemblence -- to bozo. Freud was indeed prescient.

Rate :   6  -2Rating :   8
Don't laugh about Edo Period Japan. By all accounts it was one of the best models of civilization in the history of mankind:

Also, you sound deluded when you claim that global warming and peak oil are issues that should only concern fools.
Latest comment posted for this article
Don't laugh about Edo Period Japan. By all accounts it was one of the best models of civilization in the history of mankind: Also, you sound deluded when you claim that global warming and peak oil are issues tha  Read more
casamurphy - 8/18/2011 at 4:26 AM GMT
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