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I don’t love charts!

IMG Auteur
Published : June 15th, 2016
320 words - Reading time : 0 - 1 minutes
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Category : Editorials

Chris Powell of GATA has taken issue with my recent blog post titled “Four charts that invalidate the gold price suppression story“. Interestingly, he did so without addressing the most important information in my short post. Instead, he dismissed the information because it was presented in chart form and simply regurgitated the usual GATA drivel.

Responding to Powell’s article is not a good use of my time. This is not because my time is so precious, but, as mentioned above, because Powell’s article sidesteps the main points. If he develops an understanding of gold’s fundamental price drivers and employs this understanding to demonstrate errors in my thinking, I’ll gladly respond.

However, just to set the record straight:

1) I don’t have anything against technical analysts, but I’m not one of them. I do use some TA, but I’m primarily a fundamental analyst. Unbeknownst to Chris Powell, charts can be used to show fundamental relationships.

2) If my main purpose in writing was to increase the number of subscribers to my newsletter then I would pay lip service to GATA’s arguments. The reason is that I have lost many subscribers over the years due to my regular disparaging of these arguments. While I don’t go out of my way to lose subscribers, this is not a major concern because I am a trader/investor who happens to write a newsletter as opposed to someone who relies on newsletter sales to make a living.

3) Unlike Chris Powell, I am not promoting an agenda. I am not trying to sell a particular view of the financial world. Instead, I’m focused on trying to understand why the markets do what they do and profiting from it. Sometimes I get it right, sometimes I get it wrong. When I get it wrong, I acknowledge that the blame is 100% with me and try to learn from the experience so that the mistake is not repeated.


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Saville, you better MAKE the time to answer Powell's assertions. Otherwise it looks more like a lack of GUTS, not the lack of time, to do so.

Considering the billions in fines meted out to the banks for manipulating everything from forex to libor fraud, and considering the Deutsche Bank admissions of manipulating metals prices, the claims of illegal manipulation as a mere "conspiracy theory" by saville rings as hollow as the empty vaults of Fort Knox.

We're talking about a "CONSPIRACY FACT." Otherwise the banks would challenge the BILLIONS in fines to protect their "good names."

It's obvious they have no "good names" left to protect, or they wouldn't cede the points (or the billion$) so readily.

If saville cant MAKE the time to answer Powell's assertions, maybe he should just shut up and admit that he's little more than a shill, a stooge, and a boob for the entities he refuses to investigate.
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Saville, you better MAKE the time to answer Powell's assertions. Otherwise it looks more like a lack of GUTS, not the lack of time, to do so. Considering the billions in fines meted out to the banks for manipulating everything from forex to libor fraud,  Read more
stinger - 6/15/2016 at 9:52 PM GMT
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