Indian Govt declines any comment on use of Gold to pay for Iranian Oil

IMG Auteur
Published : January 26th, 2012
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From The Times of India
New Delhi
Thursday, January 26, 2012

A reputed Israeli intelligence Internet site has claimed that India is opting for gold to repay crude oil supplies from Iran. Given the US and EU embargo on Iran, payment in hard currency, such as the US dollar or euro, is very difficult; hence, this barter.

The website, Debkafile, said the transaction will be routed through UCO Bank, the Kolkata-based public sector lender. However, when contacted, a senior bank executive said he had not heard of any plans to settle oil payments in gold. A senior finance ministry official said he did not wish to comment on the issue. When reached over the phone, economic affairs secretary R. Gopalan, who has been leading the talks with Iran, said he was busy in a meeting and did not respond to a text message.

The report on the Israeli website coincides with the visit of an Indian official delegation to Tehran last week to find ways to continue the bilateral trade between Iran and India in spite of the sanctions imposed for forcing Iran to forsake its alleged plans for developing nuclear weapons.



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Do sovereign nations owe an explanation for independently exercising their national policies? The days of imperial hegemony are over. it may be prudent to look up and reconcile own balance sheets than work out plans and options that may push you further into the 'Red'.
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Do sovereign nations owe an explanation for independently exercising their national policies? The days of imperial hegemony are over. it may be prudent to look up and reconcile own balance sheets than work out plans and options that may push you further  Read more
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