Israel’s New Secret Weapon Unveiled

IMG Auteur
Published : September 10th, 2012
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NC Renegade The reports that Israel has developed a secret weapon that will be used in the upcoming war with Iran has been unveiled. If used, one or more electromagnetic pulses will make this a short but devastating war for Iran.

Although the Iranian military has prepared for this contingency by hardening their critical facilities, the rest of the country will suffer the consequences: no electrical power, no communications and no modern conveniences. Most automobiles and buses will be useless and oil production for supporting their economy will be zero.

Under these conditions, the government will collapse as the Iranian people will accept any conditions to restore “civilization”. Also under this scenario, Israel has no need for support from the United States.

David DeGerolamo

Israel could send Iran back to Stone Age’

British newspaper Sunday Times has exposed one of the “surprises” the Israel Defense Forces has in store in case of a military strike in Iran.

According to the Sunday morning report, the Jewish state could cripple the Islamic Republic’s power grid with electromagnetic pulses as part of a concerted attack to halt Iran’s military nuclear program, which couldsend Iran back to the Stone Age.”

The report, by Uzi Mahnaimi, claims that the possible use of such a weapon has been raised in several quarters as a debate rages among Israel’s politicians about whether a swift strike should be launched against Iran’s nuclear facilities.

Bill Gertz, a veteran American defense specialist, is quoted as saying that US intelligence agencies have reportedgrowing concerns that Israel will conduct a strike on Iran using a high-altitude nuclear burst aimed at disrupting all electronics in the country.”
Israel’s New Secret Weapon Unveiled



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Iran has threatened Israel with annihilation any number of times this year and before. They are currently close to producing a nuclear weapon by all rational accounts. Obama has shown himself helpless at best -- complict at worst -- in preventing Islamic terrorism.

I sincerely hope Israel uses whatever means necessary to prevent those threats from becomming reality, and all the ranting and raving by America haters and apologists not worth a zinc penny.
Rate :   10  86Rating :   -76
There wont be any more war in the middle east , powers greater than Jim Cs mates in the military ind. complex simply wont allow it to happen, as theyve proved since the start of this year......................the Zionists games over!!

Rate :   21  3Rating :   18
Ah I knew you couldn't help yourself jimmy. What happened to I'm taking my toys home and never coming back to this site? I'm going to tell my Zionist friends on you? Boohoo whaaaaaaaaaaaaa. The great terrorist state of Israel has been crying about Iran too long.
How many wars has Iran been in?
How many UN resolutions has Israel ignored?
how many Nukes does this criminal apartheid state already own?
Truth , not propaganda Jimmy. Which side are you really on?
They are currently close to producing a nuclear weapon by all propaganda accounts.
Iraq has WMD, how true was that Jimmy?
You must enjoy being taken as a fool?

Cry me a river Jimmy C.
Rate :   40  5Rating :   35
Thats what Zionists do. They have a lot of practice with the Palestinians as the world watches.
Rate :   25  4Rating :   21
Yeah, can't wait for all the babies in incubators and the sick old folks hooked up to life support to begin convulsing. What a show! Wasn't one of Bush Sr.'s claims (bogus like most of his family's claims) that the Iraqi invaders in Kuwait pulled the plug on hospital equipment? Hmm, from the tone of the article it sounds as if Netanyahu and the other sociopaths running amok in Israel and elsewhere can't wait to begin killing people.
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Ah I knew you couldn't help yourself jimmy. What happened to I'm taking my toys home and never coming back to this site? I'm going to tell my Zionist friends on you? Boohoo whaaaaaaaaaaaaa. The great terrorist state of Israel has been crying about Iran t  Read more
prljr - 9/17/2012 at 8:58 PM GMT
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