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Published : July 10th, 2020
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This article was originally published on May 5, 2020, at SHTFPlan. 

*NOTE: If you believe any of this is organic or caused solely by the virus, I have some property on Mars to sell you. 

We have all likely seen the reports that food shortages are coming.  This seems to be the one thing that the mainstream media and alternative media can agree upon. A lot of reports are pushing Bill Gates’ fake meat, others are showing that these food shortages are being enforced by the government as a means to keep people afraid and under their control.

Farmers are coming out saying they have been told to “quit farming,” are being forced to dump milk, and kill chickens, and turn vegetable crops under. Why? Isn’t it obvious? To scare the public into accepting dependency on the government so they will remain in a constant state of fear and enslavement. But there’s a way out. If food shortages are coming, there is a way to prepare.

Governments are banking on us not figuring out what they are doing. But it’s too late.  We already know. And we can stop it if enough people open their eyes. 

Ready Nutrition wrote an excellent article on how to prepare for food shortages.  The first advice offered is the best: become more self-sustainable, to any degree.

You need to make the effort to become more reliant on yourself for your food regardless of what the media reports. No matter what happens, self-reliance is freedom. This is often seen as difficult in our minds, but it can be done! Any amount of improvement in the area of food self-sufficiency will go far when the grocery store’s shelves start to empty.

Order seeds online. It only takes a small amount of research to figure out what kind of vegetables and/or fruit you can easily grow in your own yard or balcony. Ready Nutrition offers a “garden in a can” which is an excellent way to grab some seeds from the comfort of your own home. With over 5,000 seeds in the can, this is what you get in a Homestead Vegetable Garden-In-A-Can. –Ready Nutrition

If you really can’t garden, there are some things you can pick up right now in bulk to get you through 3-6 months worth of empty grocery store shelves.

  1. Canned beans (don’t forget to keep a manual WORKING can opener on hand at all times! I have two backups just in case!)
  2. Canned fruits
  3. Canned vegetables
  4. Canned meats such as spamtunasardines, or chicken
  5. Bulk dried beans
  6. Bulk rice
  7. Canned soups
  8. Cooking oil (healthy oils are advised, such as coconut oil or olive oil or avocado oil)
  9. Seasonings (salt, pepperpaprikabaking essentials like yeast, baking soda, baking powder, etc.)
  10. Dried vegetables (great snacks and additions to soups)
  11. Seeds and nuts (chia seedssunflower seedshemp seeds)
  12. Nut butters (peanut butter, almond butter)
  13. Frozen vegetables

Another tip is to learn to forage for edible plants.  Wild food is FREE. The more you pick it, the more it grows. The book Free Food and Medicine Worldwide Edible Plant Guide by Markus Rothkranz is an excellent resource because it includes both medicinal and edible plants. My suggestion is to buy an actual hard copy of a book like this one (if you don’t like this book, there are several others you can choose from) and take it outside with you so that you can learn before things get dire.

“Opium Lettuce”: Useful SHTF Plant Or Harmful Myth?

Similar To Morphine: The Weed Every Prepper Should Know About

Also, get your hands on Tess Pennington’s Prepper’s Cookbook: 300 Recipes to Turn Your Emergency Food into Nutritious, Delicious, Life-Saving Meals.

We have all likely seen the reports that food shortages are coming.  This seems to be the one thing that the mainstream media and alternative media can agree upon. A lot of reports are pushing Bill Gates’ fake meat, others are showing that these food shortages are being enforced by the government as a means to keep people afraid and under their control.

Farmers are coming out saying they have been told to “quit farming,” are being forced to dump milk, and kill chickens, and turn vegetable crops under. Why? Isn’t it obvious? To scare the public into accepting dependency on the government so they will remain in a constant state of fear and enslavement. But there’s a way out. If food shortages are coming, there is a way to prepare.

Governments are banking on us not figuring out what they are doing. But it’s too late.  We already know. And we can stop it if enough people open their eyes. 

Ready Nutrition wrote an excellent article on how to prepare for food shortages.  The first advice offered is the best: become more self-sustainable, to any degree.

You need to make the effort to become more reliant on yourself for your food regardless of what the media reports. No matter what happens, self-reliance is freedom. This is often seen as difficult in our minds, but it can be done! Any amount of improvement in the area of food self-sufficiency will go far when the grocery store’s shelves start to empty.

Order seeds online. It only takes a small amount of research to figure out what kind of vegetables and/or fruit you can easily grow in your own yard or balcony. Ready Nutrition offers a “garden in a can” which is an excellent way to grab some seeds from the comfort of your own home. With over 5,000 seeds in the can, this is what you get in a Homestead Vegetable Garden-In-A-Can. –Ready Nutrition

If you really can’t garden, there are some things you can pick up right now in bulk to get you through 3-6 months worth of empty grocery store shelves.

  1. Canned beans (don’t forget to keep a manual WORKING can opener on hand at all times! I have two backups just in case!)
  2. Canned fruits
  3. Canned vegetables
  4. Canned meats such as spamtunasardines, or chicken
  5. Bulk dried beans
  6. Bulk rice
  7. Canned soups
  8. Cooking oil (healthy oils are advised, such as coconut oil or olive oil or avocado oil)
  9. Seasonings (salt, pepperpaprikabaking essentials like yeast, baking soda, baking powder, etc.)
  10. Dried vegetables (great snacks and additions to soups)
  11. Seeds and nuts (chia seedssunflower seedshemp seeds)
  12. Nut butters (peanut butter, almond butter)
  13. Frozen vegetables

Another tip is to learn to forage for edible plants.  Wild food is FREE. The more you pick it, the more it grows. The book Free Food and Medicine Worldwide Edible Plant Guide by Markus Rothkranz is an excellent resource because it includes both medicinal and edible plants. My suggestion is to buy an actual hard copy of a book like this one (if you don’t like this book, there are several others you can choose from) and take it outside with you so that you can learn before things get dire.

“Opium Lettuce”: Useful SHTF Plant Or Harmful Myth?

Similar To Morphine: The Weed Every Prepper Should Know About

Also, get your hands on Tess Pennington’s Prepper’s Cookbook: 300 Recipes to Turn Your Emergency Food into Nutritious, Delicious, Life-Saving Meals.

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