Silver Price Forecast: Silver Could Provide Great Opportunity To Bank And Grow Stock Market Profits

IMG Auteur
Published : June 20th, 2018
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Silver Price Forecast 2018/2019

The relationship between silver and the Dow is such that significant Dow peaks are often followed by significant silver rallies. It is for this reason that silver can provide a great opportunity to bank Dow profits and even grow them much bigger.

The Dow has been in a massive bull market since 2009, and it has significantly outperformed silver since at least 2011. However, there is now an indication that silver is likely to significantly outperform the Dow.

Below is a long-term Silver/Dow ratio chart:

24hGold - Silver Price Forecas...

On the chart, I have indicated two massive bullish wedge-type formations. Price broke out of the first wedge in 2011 (when the silver bull market started). The current wedge, which is much smaller, is still waiting on a breakout.

A breakout could signal the second part of the bull market since 2001, and this could mean that silver will significantly outperform the Dow for many years to come. A similar pattern on the silver chart has already broken out in 2016, and this is an indication that this pattern will likely do the same.

Furthermore, the smaller wedge represents the first “impulse and revert to breakout move” of the larger wedge. This indicates that we are likely to see a big move that will take this ratio to all-time highs over the next years.

For more of this kind of fractal analysis, you are welcome to subscribe to my premium service. I have also recently completed a Silver Fractal Analysis Report as well as a Gold Fractal Analysis Report. You can also subscribe to my blog (enter e-mail at the top right of this page) to get my latest free gold and silver updates.

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