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The article Newsweek gutted–proof of FBI corruption

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Published : November 30th, 2011
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The article Newsweek gutted--more proof of FBI corruption
Anthony Martin, Conservative Examiner
November 25, 2011

When citizen investigative journalist Mike Vanderboegh
reported earlier this week that an article that appeared in Newsweek Magazine [See Newsweek article titled My Life as a White Supremacist] this week was supposed to contain explosive information damaging to the current Administration and that of Bill Clinton, he had a good idea of what was cut by editor Tina Brown due to his numerous contacts in the government. Today, however, Vanderboegh has an unedited copy of the original version of the article, complete with credible evidence of corruption that exposes Eric Holder, Janet Reno, the FBI, and two Administrations as threats not only to the truth but to the very lives of American citizens.

The original article was written by reporter R.M. Schneiderman and approved by his immediate editor John Solomon is extensive. An abbreviated step-by-step overview of that article is provided below.

1. Schneiderman uncovered
revelations concerning the Oklahoma City bombing that not only implicate Clinton Administration officials in mass murder but contain a direct link to the Obama Administration, the current FBI, and Attorney-General Eric Holder, who worked for Janet Reno at the Department of Justice during the 1990s. Two informants, John Matthews and Jesse Trentadue, provided the FBI and DOJ with information showing that Timothy McVeigh had worked in tandem with other persons, thereby blowing the theory of the 'lone bomber.'

2. Matthews, who was working with the government to infiltrate extremist groups, had provided information to the FBI indicating that
one Tom Posey, who had been a suspect in another crime called the Brown's Ferry Plot, had collaborated with Timothy McVeigh. It was Posey who was the first to talk about the use of weapons of mass destruction to blow up federal buildings--a prospect that prompted Matthews to go to the FBI. But there is evidence that Posey was cooperating with the FBI, providing them key information about various extremist groups in the U.S.

3. Matthews had also encountered Timothy McVeigh in Texas, in the company of one
Andreas Carl Strassmeier, another suspect in the planning of the Oklahoma City bombing. McVeigh and Strassmeier were both involved in the para-military movement and were participating in training exercises in Texas.

Neither Posey nor Strassmeier were ever pursued by the FBI for their role in the bombing, leading Matthews to conclude that the entire case of the FBI against McVeigh as the 'lone bomber' was highly suspect.

5. A racist, neo-Nazi group in Texas called
the Texas Light Infantry is key to understanding the plot to blow up the federal building in Oklahoma City. It was within this very group that Matthews encountered McVeigh and Strassmeier. Yet the article in Newsweek fails to mention the militia group at all. Instead the article identifies the Texas Reserve Militia. This deft sleight of hand appears to be aimed at hiding the truth about the Texas Light Infantry, where McVeigh and Strassmeier laid out their plot.

Another FBI informant by the name of Dave Rossi was key to the plot, yet that information was also cut out of the final copy of the article that appeared in Newsweek. Rossi knew Posey very well from numerous encounters at various and sundry meetings of extremist militia groups. Rossi was also a key operative in the FBI's scandalous and murderous covert program called PATCON--'Patriot Conspiracy'--which was involved in all of the major scandals going back decades, including the massacres at Ruby Ridge and Waco.

7. Newsweek editor Tina Brown also cut out from the final article
an entire section that the reporter had included on Utah Attorney Jesse Trentadue, whose brother was beaten to death in prison shortly after the Oklahoma City bombing. Trentadue believes that his brother was killed by the FBI in a case of mistaken identity. The official report claims that Trentadue hanged himself in the cell. But photos indicate that his throat had been cut. There were bruises all over his body. A federal judge later ruled the FBI had lied in court about the case and destroyed evidence. The Trentadue family was awarded 1.1 million dollars in damages for emotional distress.

the key facts in the original article written by R.M. Schneiderman for Newsweek/The Daily Beast/The Washington Post wound up in the waste basket of editor Tina Brown. Why? Informants say the FBI, the DOJ, and the Obama Administration pressured the organization to withhold the information.

with the ongoing scandal involving Project Gunwalker [See *****PROJECT GUNRUNNER?THE BIGGEST SCANDAL SINCE IRAN-CONTRA***** and *****Update On Growing Gunrunning Scandal*****] --Operation Fast and Furious--the Administration may be interesting in protecting key figures in high places, particularly given that MANY OF THOSE INVOLVED IN GUNWALKER WERE ALSO PART OF THE SCANDAL SURROUNDING THE OKLAHOMA CITY BOMBING.

The Examiner reports about the consequences of truth-telling: Newsweek editor explodes at staff.

Consequences of truth-telling: Newsweek editor explodes at staff
Anthony Martin, Conservative Examiner
November 27, 2011

The consequences of telling the truth at Newsweek/Washington Post/The Daily Beast are coming into sharp focus as
editor Tina Brown reportedly exploded in a tirade at the staff of the news organization. The reason? The leak of the unedited story Brown refused to allow to be published as originally written on the FBI scandal involving PATCON, the Oklahoma City bombing, and Operation Fast and Furious. [See SSI Exclusive: Hiding mass murder behind "national security." What Newsweak & the FBI didn't want you to know about PATCON and the OKC Bombing]

Insider sources say that Brown is furious that
someone on her staff sent a copy of the original article to citizen investigative reporter Mike Vanderboegh, which he proceeded to publish on his blog, Sipsey Street Irregulars. An abbreviated summary of the information Brown cut out of the story is provided here.

Washington Post reporter R.M. Schneiderman and his immediate supervisory editor John Solomon had been working on the explosive story of FBI corruption for months. That story included details of a sordid, secret operation of the FBI called 'PATCON,' which has been involved in murder and scandal for decades going all the way back to the Ruby Ridge and Waco massacres.

But when Newsweek/The Daily Beast was ready to publish the story,
editor Tina Brown intervened at the last minute, removing all of the key components of the report and focusing instead on one lone undercover informant who had information about 'extremist right-wing neo-Nazi groups' in the United States. Sources inside the government report that Brown was under intense pressure from the Obama Administration, Attorney-General Eric Holder, and the FBI to cut key portions out of the story.

someone at the news organization was furious that the story was gutted for political purposes. That someone sent Vanderboegh the complete uncut edition of the story.

The consequences are fear, loathing, and anger on the part of the White House, the FBI, and Tina Brown. The government parties involved in the various scandals are afraid of what this information will lead to. They loathe the persons responsible for leaking the story. And their anger is on full display, especially that of Tina Brown, who reportedly is demanding to know who on her staff leaked the story to Vanderboegh.

According to Vanderboegh,

Spanish Inquisition began at Newsweak within two hours of the posting Friday of "Hiding mass murder behind 'national security. What Newsweak & the FBI didn't want you to know about PATCON and the OKC Bombing." [Here is the link again]

Tina Brown is said to very angry and is determined to find out who leaked the details of the story she didn't want to surface. Wombat reports that the screaming was largely focused on the fact that Tina has decided that she really, really doesn't
like me. Really.

Various editors, reporters and sources are under suspicion.

Vanderboegh further indicates that sources have informed him that the White House, the DOJ, and the FBI are sore at him as well for putting the story out there for the public to see. The fear is over possible blow-back...

there is not much that can be done in terms of damage control once the genie has been let out of the bottle.

Sipsey Street Irregulars reports an SSI Exclusive: Hiding mass murder behind "national security." What Newsweak & the FBI didn't want you to know about PATCON and the OKC Bombing.

Thursday, November 24, 2011
SSI Exclusive: Hiding mass murder behind "national security." What Newsweak & the FBI didn't want you to know about PATCON and the OKC Bombing.

[Read this article for the actual text that was taken out of the Newsweek article.]

When you take the gutted version of the story …, there is one thing that leaps out at any independent observer -- the full truth about the FBI's involvement in, and prior knowledge of, the Oklahoma City bombing has yet to be even scratched.

Newsweek is evidently so compromised by political considerations that it cannot tell these truths.

It remains to be seen
if there are any other "mainstream media" outlets who can, or will.

But at least, gentle readers, you know now
the extent of Newsweek's perfidy in hiding the truth that threatens both the comfortable bureaucratic existence of the FBI and the reputations of people such as Eric Holder and Janet Napolitano

My reaction: For the second time this month (See ‘60 Minutes’ Blows Lid Off Congressional Insider Trading), investigative reporting is revealing shocking evidence of government corruption.

What happened

1) An article that appeared in Newsweek Magazine this week (See
My Life as a White Supremacist) was supposed to contain explosive information damaging to the current Administration and that of Bill Clinton.

2) However before it went to print, the article (written by reporter R.M. Schneiderman and approved by his immediate editor John Solomon) was gutted by Editor Tina Brown, who removed credible evidence of corruption on the part of Eric Holder, Janet Reno, the FBI, and two Administrations.

3) Someone on Newsweek’s staff sent an
unedited copy of the original version of the article to citizen investigative reporter Mike Vanderboegh who proceeded to publish on his blog, Sipsey Street Irregulars.

What is revealed in the uncut edition of the story

1) Not only are Clinton Administration officials implicated in the Oklahoma City bombing, but also the Obama Administration, the current FBI, and Attorney-General Eric Holder.

2) Two informants, John Matthews and Jesse Trentadue, provided the FBI and DOJ with information showing that Timothy McVeigh had worked in tandem with other persons.

3) These “other persons” (Andreas Carl Strassmeier and Tom Posey) were ever pursued by the FBI for their role in the bombing, making the entire case of the FBI against McVeigh as the 'lone bomber' was highly suspect.

4) Many of those involved in Gunwalker were also part of the scandal surrounding the Oklahoma city bombing. (See
*****PROJECT GUNRUNNER?THE BIGGEST SCANDAL SINCE IRAN-CONTRA***** and *****Update On Growing Gunrunning Scandal*****)

How it happened

1) Washington Post reporter R.M. Schneiderman and his immediate supervisory editor John Solomon had been working on the explosive story of FBI corruption for months.

2) Editor Tina Brown then intervened at the last minute, removing all of the key components of the report and focusing instead on one lone undercover informant.

3) Brown was under intense pressure from the Obama Administration, Attorney-General Eric Holder, and the FBI to cut key portions out of the story.

4) Someone at the news organization was furious that the story was gutted for political purposes and leaked the complete uncut edition of the story.

5) Editor Tina Brown has reportedly exploded in a tirade at the staff of the news organization.

Conclusion: The corruption of US media is being openly exposed for all to see. The true story here is:

A) That original article exposing FBI corruption came so close to being published.
B) That the original, uncut edition of the story was leaked at all.

This is further proof that
the government’s control over the media is failing (see
*****The ESF's Wurlitzer (Propaganda Machine) Is Slowly Dying*****).

The long-dead stories of government corruption are starting to reach the general public

Radioactive topics that have been buried for decades are slowly coming to the surface:
The Congressional Insider Trading exposed by '60 Minutes', the growing Gunrunner scandal, the FBI's involvement in (and prior knowledge of) the Oklahoma City bombing (described above), etc…

In attempting to control the damage, mainstream media is destroying its credibility

In its efforts to contain the spread of these stories, mainstream media is being forced to openly display its own corruption (See
*****The Extraordinary Lack Of Coverage Of Ron Paul***** for example). As the article above states, "Newsweek is evidently so compromised by political considerations that it cannot tell these truths. It remains to be seen if there are any other ‘mainstream media’ outlets who can, or will.”

Corrupt mainstream media is the key pillar enabling all the widespread fraud occurring in America. Once it goes, the whole rotten system goes with it. With incredibly-damaging, long-dead stories finally reaching the surface, we are getting very near that point.

Eric de Carbonnel




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