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The FED is Freaking Out

IMG Auteur
Published : March 30th, 2011
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Zerohedge reports that Why You Should be Freaked Out About the Stock Market.

(emphasis mine) [my comment]

Why You Should be Freaked Out About the Stock Market
Submitted by Phoenix Capital Research on 03/25/2011 18:35 -0400

I doubt you will see this chart in the mainstream media any time soonif EVER. [Agreed]

24hGold - The FED is Freaking ...

This is a chart of the US monetary base. In simple terms, it charts how much money the Fed has pumped into the system (at least that it admits). So it’s a kind of visual of the Fed hitting the PANIC button: when the monetary base explodes higher, the Fed is FREAKING out.

You’ll note that
during the Financial Crisis the Fed didn’t do much until the autumn of 2008 when it pumped nearly $1 trillion into the system. Think about that, the Fed didn’t go nuts pumping money until the stuff REALLY hit the fan.

You’ll also note that there’s only one other time when the monetary base went absolutely vertical: TODAY.

the Fed has pumped nearly $500 billion into the system since the start of 2011. Don’t even try to tell me this is QE 2. If it was then the monetary base should have spiked in late 2010, NOT in 2011.

this is the Fed FREAKING OUT about the financial system again. And it’s a freak out on par with 2008.

So if you think that all is well “behind the scenes” you’re in for a rude surprise. Something BIG is going down and it’s NOT good.

And rest assured,
by the time the mainstream media announces what it is, it will already be in full swing.

Fed’s Liabilities Broken Down (in billions)

24hGold - The FED is Freaking ...

Full Resolution

My reaction: The Fed is FREAKING OUT.

1) The Fed has pumped nearly $500 billion into the system since the start of 2011.

2) All is NOT well “behind the scenes”. “Something BIG is going down and it’s NOT good.”

Conclusion: There is no recovery. As I said before, the world is headed towards a disconnect. The markets will freeze (a big “bank holiday”),and, once people understand what is going on, the dollar will be worthless.

By the time a Ponzi scheme is “officially confirmed”, it is too late to do anything about it.


Eric de Carbonnel

Market Skeptics

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