The Federal Reserve to Pensions: Suspend Disbelief Indefinitely

IMG Auteur
Published : November 02nd, 2016
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by Danielle DiMartino Booth
02-Nov (MoneyStrong, via LinkedIn) — Dissent is in the air. Soybean-export driven economic growth has given hawkish Federal Reserve policymakers a fresh raison d’etre to dissent in favor of an interest rate hike at today’s meeting. Hike today or be buried in regret for having been behind the curve. It’s true that (measured) inflation does indeed appear to be emerging from an extraordinarily long hibernation.

But it sure would be nice to hear news of a different kind of dissent, one cast on behalf of those whose voices have been lost, that of savers and especially those of public pensioners.

Setting aside the corruption of the pension system for a moment in this overheated political season, some brave soul among current Fed leaders should long ago have raised their hand to protest the ravages that will be suffered one day as a direct result of Fed policy keeping rates too low for too long for several generations, and worse, forcing pension managers too far out on both the liquidity and risk spectrum.

…if you assume your investments are going to return less, you (the state/school district/municipality) have to write bigger checks to ensure the pension has adequate funds to satisfy what retirees and future retirees have been (over)promised. The fact that interest rates have declined precipitously, even using the ridiculously high rates allowed by law, you start to see what’s got all those analysts over at Moody’s so worried.

Add up all our great states and Moody’s math comes up with $1.75 trillion in what will be pension underfunding by the time we’ve said adios to fiscal year 2017. That represents a 40 percent jump from fiscal year end 2015.


PG View
: A 40% increase in the underfunding of pensions is astonishing and will be a millstone around the neck of our economy for decades to come.

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This 'low interest' theory is flat out nonsense - the public pensions have essentially been a Ponzi scheme (in the UK) since at least 2000 - the fund managers (including those of the private sector schemes) approached the Finance Minister of the time, Mr. Brown, to ask how they would keep remittances paid, given the loss of contributions from working members. They were told to start being 'more creative in their investment strategies.' Of course, they were worried about the risk, but were given assurance that the government would be there to help out, should anything go wrong.
This is about the time of the 'Brown Bottom' when the BOE sold most of it's gold reserves - at one of the lowest gold-to-sterling prices in history. Sadly, the fund managers decided not to bother purchasing this 'worthless' asset that provides no return - instead they invested in 'the sure thing' of the Icelandic Banks - we all know how that ended, and T-notes. Personally, I regret never buying PM's at the time - the astute reader will see why - and not long after this, the earliest retirement age was increased by five years, to age 60.
Now, it is a legal requirement that ALL employees participate in a work-place pension, or face dismissal.
The problem all along has been, and will be, too much fictional or artificial, currency in the system.
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This 'low interest' theory is flat out nonsense - the public pensions have essentially been a Ponzi scheme (in the UK) since at least 2000 - the fund managers (including those of the private sector schemes) approached the Finance Minister of the time, M  Read more
kevthorne - 11/2/2016 at 5:04 PM GMT
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