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Charles B
Member since May 2012
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has posted a comment on the article :
>Here Come the OWSers!  - James howard kunstler - Kunstler
Galactic Effectuator writes:

Does Kunstler know the OWSers are calling for Obama's reelection and more socialism? If not, he should, before writing such a diatribe. It makes no sense. He makes no sense. His time is past.

4639 days ago
Beginning of the headline :All last week across the media landscape, in pod, blog, flat-screen, andcrunkly old newsprint columns, fatuous professional observers complained that the Occupy Wall Street marchers "have no clear agenda" or "can't articulate their positions." What impertinent horseshit. I saw a statement on oneOWSer's sign that said it all: $70,000 College Debt $12,000 Medical Bills I'm 22 Where's My Bailout? What part of that is unclear to interlocutors of what we called "the establishment" back in the day? That would be the day of the Vietnam War and the Aquarian Upsurge... Read More
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