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Member since May 2013
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>Report: Brinks Vaults Are Being Depleted: “This Has the Appearance of a Run On the Bank”  - Mac Slavo - ShtfPlan
I have been talking to my bullion dealer (UK) whom I bought silver coins from. He said the silver eagle is out of stock since two weeks ago and may have to wait until August. I asked him about his business, he said it is slightly quiet because of that summer that most of his clients from banking are going for holidays.

3969 days ago
Beginning of the headline :The price of gold and silver has seen a massive decline as of late, prompting one analyst to suggest that there is no compelling fundamental reason to own precious metals and the only thing investors can do now is “hope and panic, in that order.” But while current prices and technical charts may leave some with the feeling that gold’s bull run is over and the bubble has popped, others are scooping up as much yellow and silver metal as they can find, and in some cases they’re doing it by the tens... Read More
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