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>A House Divided Over NSA Spying on Americans  - Ron Paul - 
What are the dominant reasons for spying?
#1 Threat analysis. You spy on those you perceive to be a potential threat. Could this infer a nation's citizenry?
#2 Economic advantage. Yes sir, it's about profits. You don't think our extended overseas war-games are all about ideology do you? Profit prophecy perhaps.
#3 Blackmail. It is quite easy to gain control through the liberal application of blackmail. That control could extend to votes on the floor of Congress.

All forms of competition depend heavily on retaining and increasing advantage. Spying is the tool of choice.
Everyone, individually and in groups, competes. Even the preacher man.
What part of the predator-prey relationship do you fail to understand?

Good article. Unfortunately or fortunately, it won't make a meaningful difference one way or the other. Herd instinct is hard-wired in.

Recall, "If you see something, say something?" Homo sapiens appears to be a specie of voyeurs.

3967 days ago
Beginning of the headline :Last week's House debate on the Defense Appropriations bill for 2014 produced a bit more drama than usual. After hearing that House leadership would do away with the traditional "open rule" allowing for debate on any funding limitation amendment, it was surprising to see that Rep. Justin Amash's (R-MI) amendment was allowed on the Floor. In the wake of National Security Agency (NSA) whistleblower Edward Snowden's revelations about the extent of US government spying on Ame... Read More
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