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Josey Wales
Member since May 2012
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has posted a comment on the article :
>A voir : la dernière bataille de Margareth Thatcher contre l’Euro - Mish. - 

Sur l'Euro et la Banque Centrale : "But if I were, there would be no European central bank accountable to no one, least of all national Parliaments. The point of that kind of Europe with a central bank is no democracy, taking powers away from every single Parliament, and having a single currency, a monetary policy and interest rates which take all political power away from us. (...) A single currency is about the politics of Europe, it is about a federal Europe by the back door".

Sur l'Europe : "I was talking about Europe and the socialist ideal of Europe. Not for us the corporatism, socialism and central control. We leave those to the Opposition. Ours is a larger vision of a Community whose member states co-operate with one another more and more closely to the benefit of all."

La transcription complete du discours est ici :

4532 days ago
Beginning of the headline :Prenez une seconde pour regarder cette vidéo tout à fait drôle d’une intervention de Margareth Thatcher devant la Chambre des Communes le 22 Novembre 19990. Ce que Margareth Thatcher exprimait à l’époque au sujet de l’Euro, de la politique Européenne et de la création de richesse fait autant sens aujourd’hui qu’il y a vingt ans, quand elle se moquait des socialistes et rire aux éclats les conservateurs... Read More
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