Member since May 2012
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has posted a comment on the article :
>An Investing Opportunity of a Lifetime: Lessons from the Sprott Precious Metals Round... - The Gold Report - 
Rick Rule: "Platinum and palladium benefit from all of the factors concerning precious metals. They have for many centuries fulfilled the same roles with regard to stores of value and mechanisms for transferring or storing wealth as gold and silver. "

Yes, PGM nuggets were found and used in antiquity but, ...
Perhaps you fail to recall that the Spanish Conquistadors were told to dump platinum overboard. Back then Columbia was the major source.
Palladium wasn't discovered until 1802 and the other non-platinum PGMs in 1804. Ergo no pure platinum until after 1804 and not much until after 1851.
1822 Russia minted platinum coins. There was some demand for platinum lab-ware.
But overall, there was low demand for platinum until after WWII when industrial demand took over. Then the 1970's platinum jewelry craze began.

So the claim that platinum and palladium fulfilled the same roles as gold and silver for many centuries is utter nonsense.

If you can't dazzle em with brilliance, perhaps you can baffle them with bullshit. Until you get caught.

3917 days ago
Beginning of the headline :Sprott Resources: Marc Faber, help us understand the Federal Reserve's recent announcement regarding tapering. Marc Faber: When the Fed began Quantitative Easing 1 (QE1) in 2008, I said it would continue until QE99. So I'm not so surprised by the "no tapering decision." But this money printing has numerous unintended consequences and actually does not help the economy much. Asset purchases benefit maybe 1% of the population, the super-rich. I'm not complaining because I own stock, bonds and rea... Read More
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