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>Les Chrétiens de Syrie demandent la protection de la Russie  - Charleston Voice. - Charleston Voice
ou ceci :
After the turn of the millennium, the papacy will exist only a short period. Pope John Paul II is the third from last in this position. After him, only one additional pontificate will follow. Then a Pontifex Maximus follows who will be known as Petrus Romanus. Under his religious rule, the end of the Catholic Church will come, a total collapse becoming inevitable. That will be the beginning of the worst catastrophe that will ever have befallen the human beings and the Earth. Many Catholic clerics, priests, bishops, cardinals and many others will be killed and their blood will flow in streams. But also the reformed version of Christianity will become just as infinitely small, as does Catholicism.
The Henoch Prophecies presented by Q.
B. M.

3842 days ago
Beginning of the headline :Environ 50.000 Syriens Chrétiens ont demandé à obtenir la nationalité Russe. Dans une lettre au ministère Russe des affaires étrangères, ils ont expliqué qu’ils n’avaient pas pour objectif de fuir la Syrie, mais que s’ils se trouvaient menacés d’élimination, ils placeraient leurs espoirs en la Russie comme gardienne de leur survie. Les analystes pensent que malgré les difficultés qu’implique leur requête, elle ne sera pas ignorée... Read More
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