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James J
Member since May 2012
7 commentaries -
has posted a comment on the article :
>She’s Back!  - James Howard Kunstler - 
I'm curious about Kunstler's musing about a third party. The democrats' policy is to have us drive off a cliff at 100 mph. To define their difference, the republicans advocate driving off the cliff at 98 mph, for which they are crucified by the media. What would the third party be for? 99 mph or 101 mph? Or is there any chance a third party would advocate Constitutional government, a balanced budget and sound money? But after 50 years of the Welfare State and government schools, how many Americans can even grasp these concepts any more?

3330 days ago
Beginning of the headline :A nd so, from the dormant volcano that is American politics, out flies Hillary, like Rodan the Flying Reptile pretending to be Granny Goose. Now that she is officially flapping around the electorate, the excitable mainstream press reports the initial caw-caw-cawing of her campaign: it will be “based on diversity, discipline and humbleness.” These are endearing qualities in any giant flying reptile, and reassuring to voters who might otherwise fear something a bit darker on the wing. The Elmer Fu... Read More
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