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Member since May 2012
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>America's Impending Master Class Dictatorship  - Stewart Dougherty - 
I remember a while back watching a documentary called "Money Masters" which talked about the dangers of the central banking systems and fiat currencies. At the time, the documentary was relegated to the same status as "conspiracy theories" and seen as extreme because it wasn't in line with official propaganda and called for a reform of the monetary system to stop the US being overrun by financiers. As always, the so-called crackpots are about 10 years ahead of everyone else....

4865 days ago
Beginning of the headline :The enslavement of the American people has been orchestrated by a pernicious Master Class that has taken the United States by the throat. This Master Class is now choking the nation to death as it accelerates its master plan to plunder the people’s dwindling remaining assets. The Master Class comprises politicians, the Wall Street money elite, the Federal Reserve, high-end government (including military) officials... Read More
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