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>A Few Questions; One Answer  - Theodore Butler - Butler Research
well right but we have to take in consideration that in less than three years the siver price went up 300 percent and even more. So I think its also normal that investors take a time for examinating if its really reasonably to continue to invest in silver at the moment. yes there is inflation but other investment fields did not go up 300 percent the last years , so is it not better to ivest in a field where prices did not go up a lot the last three years? and when there is the rush to sell and come back to buy silver again?

4381 days ago
Beginning of the headline :Please read this article carefully because I’m disclosing for the first time that the U.S. government has given JPMorgan the green light to manipulate the silver market. This fact explains the shenanigans in the silver market. It answers all the questions and exposes this tawdry affair for all to see... Read More
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