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>A Few Questions; One Answer  - Theodore Butler - Butler Research
Here is the problem I see with the comments from Mr.Butler.

He expends most of his words by ranting at the lack of action by the crooked banks and their lackies, the regulators, and ends his columns by saying, "But don't worry, their illegal activities will shortly make you obscenely wealthy if you can just hang on a little longer."

So, even a sorry lawyer, if this case were argued in court, would point to the fallacy of his logic here and respond by asking what the problem is.

If the whole scam is about to blow up in the faces of the perpetrators, making his followers obscenely wealthy as Mr. Butler has been suggesting for what…some ten years now, then those perpetrators, i.e. banks and regulators, will ask what is he complaining about?

I bought L.T. call options (Leaps) on two silver companies some 18 months ago when I was still a subscriber, thinking six months would be plenty of time for Ted’s predictions to come to fruition. They expire in Jan 2013 and Jan 2014. All are deep under water.

Steve Forbe’s dad joked that those who sell advice make more money than those who buy it. I think he was on to something.

4380 days ago
Beginning of the headline :Please read this article carefully because I’m disclosing for the first time that the U.S. government has given JPMorgan the green light to manipulate the silver market. This fact explains the shenanigans in the silver market. It answers all the questions and exposes this tawdry affair for all to see... Read More
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