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>If Romney Wins, Expect the End of Quantitative Easing  - Gary Dorsch - SirChartsAlot
Mr. Dorsch is living in a different world than most. Changing Fed chairman will not effect the current policy; unless Romney flip flops and sheds his neoconservative feathers. Romney is more hawkish than the Teleprompter-in-chief as for starting a war with Iran, Syria or China. We are going to have a war because the “advisers” of both candidates are all like minded people. It would be impossible to have a war with Iran without massive amounts of money printing. Iran is no lightweight militarily speaking. Because the two “potentates to be” are so similar we won't see a dimes worth of difference in any thing especially foreign policy, except maybe a faster escalation of hostilities with Romney.
The war will be the solution to all our ills as Dr. Paul Krugman, Nobel Laureate, who wants a war for the entire planet, has advised. War it will be for a distraction, if nothing else, from all the extremely bad news yet to come.
The only question is how do we prepare for the upcoming war.

4223 days ago
Beginning of the headline : It’s been nearly eight years, since Fed chief Ben Bernanke told the Senate Banking Committee at his confirmation hearing, that “with respect to monetary policy, I will make continuity with the policies and policy strategies of the Greenspan Fed a top priority.” The former Princeton University professor who served as a Fed governor from August 2002 to June 2005 before accepting the post as President George W... Read More
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