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Member since May 2012
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>What Ron Paul Might Have Said About That 47%  - Tom DiLorenzo - 
Nullification? Let me see, the 50%-60%-85% nullify. The few percent at the top who influence politics get belled, chemically neutered, and foot all the bills. Poor folk don't build businesses and factories.

Most of the above percentages are composed of those who CAN'T achieve average. CAN"T avoid crushing elective personal/family debt. Haven't made a larger investment than a 6-pack used to wheedle a fishing hole's location from a buddy.

Even the best miss a shot. The wisest can fail to notice an important side-issue that would change everything.

Sorry Calhoun, this sort of nullification process lacks wisdom. And to link this with Ron Paul? Or Ron, say it ain't so!

4250 days ago
Beginning of the headline : Unlike Romney and Obama, Ron Paul is neither a repeater of Republican Party platitudes about "America’s greatness" nor a mumbler of silly socialist platitudes that sound like they were paraphrased directly from The Communist Manifesto ("From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs")... Read More
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