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Member since December 2012
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has posted a comment on the article :
>Arguments Against Freegold  - FOFOA - FoFOA
Although i feel (very) positive on your article. It is a bit funny to see how you question the fact of certain given information in such a broad manner.
And than suddenly (probably unintentional) in the same piece you start releing on the information as granted....?

Your wrote:
"From what prior principle did Newton deduce universal gravitation? Newton's theory is the product of a grand induction, an integration of prior inductions made by Kepler and Galileo, based on observations of planetary orbits, and of the behavior of physical bodies on earth."

I question that sentence !
To get some understanding i would sugest to read the following blog article

You maid be supprised !

4200 days ago
Beginning of the headline : Someone suggested a post on arguments against Freegold.I thought it was a great idea, but then I couldn't think of any arguments that hadn't already failed.I've been at this task for four and a half years now, and I've read almost all of the 12 years' worth of archived debates and arguments (now missing) at USAGOLD as well as the random debates that pop up elsewhere and someone inevitably links them here or brings them to my attention via email... Read More
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