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Member since May 2012
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>Not so smart  - James Howard Kunstler - 
The whole farming issue with its attendant transportation element is the crux of the matter. Just look at all the runs on supermarkets leading up to big storms. Now imagine an economic storm that halts freight for weeks or longer. No matter how adept you are at gardening, it no longer exists. The human locust will ravage it and perhaps your home as well.

The citizenry have no survival skills. The skills don't come with attending night school or an internet-based course.

However with adequate remuneration, a qualified farm manager can be hired. The manager will have to arm the hands.

And don't kid yourself for a minute, technology won't die. Some, perhaps most, of the infrastructure will be operational on a sporadic basis for awhile. But it won't die.

Many years ago I wondered why anyone, outside of a very small percentage, would need a cell-phone. I failed to grasp the compelling need for the status the latest phone offered. All efforts to condition the consumers are good for business. Status works just fine. Bald trained monkeys. Smart is NOT a requirement and has been known to get in the way of the conditioning process.

Avoid all appeals to intelligence. Fear is one of the most powerful motivators. Appeals to baser instincts is always profitable.

Logic tends to support your opinion JHK. Nothing like a mass panic to bring out the worse in folks.

4110 days ago
Beginning of the headline :One striking but little discussed element about the new Netflix Washington political drama series, House of Cards, is that every time a character picks up a cell phone, something bad happens. The character's phones shadow them at every turn like evil twins, giving the impression that the US government, and everything in its orbit, is run not by human beings but by cell phones... Read More
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