Profile and commentaries of Mark Hitti
Mark Hitti
Member since July 2011
Followed by 1 memberFollows 0 member
18 commentaries, with 4 Replies
3 replies to his comments (17%)
Average Note : 82 / 100 for 9 rated commentaries  18  4 
Last commentary posted on Wednesday, July 11, 2012
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 Ron Paul
European Debt Crisis Threatens the Dollar  (8)
Sorry, but it is the dollar, which is threatening the euro!

Markets are not reacting rationaly because they are not allowed to.
If investors had the opportunity to have european state balance sheets before their eyes, they would realize that most of the european states can pay their creditors back, even Italy.

So why is this happening?
According to liberal ideology (let me be precise p...
11/16/2011 at 8:40 PMPermalink